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CLUB1872 Members Meeting

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Sad to say, imo it has already lost ALL momentum. Speak to anyone with our clubs best interests at heart and you'll see that.

From even before its inception it was subject to internal "best-interests" strife, lies, deceit and general all-round shambolity. Nothing has improved since then. The whole thing is falling apart and is serving nothing other than to provide the manks with even more amusement.

Even sadder to say, none of that comes as a surprise to me. The usual suspects put themselves forward - some have Rangers being better as their first priority. Others simply saw another opportunity to benefit themselves. They couldn't agree on the colour of shyte.

The club but more importantly to me, the fans have lost out yet again.


That's a harsh and sad appraisal, but in truth probably more correct than wrong. So what's the answer? Do we start the process again, new elections, new name or do we keep what we have and hope it turns out alright on the night?


I think probably some sort of relaunch with new elections for the all board positions, I'm sure there is the calibre of person needed to reorganise and to sort this mess out within the fan base, hopefully. The Alternative to not working this out is to bleak to contemplate.

Edited by aweebluesoandso
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How much more could be raised?


I've reluctantly decided after many years to say enough is enough.


We even have to approach the Board through a third party.

That's not correct , if your talking about his the SLO , I asked that question and was told that it wasn't the case .





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I'm not a Club 1872 member, but I'd like to be. I believe in the concept of supporters having a strong say in the direction of the club, and that can only be achieved by having a significant shareholding. However, I would not contribute a single penny to this until I had confidence that the power of this shareholding was to be wielded with the right motives.


There appears to be a number of factions here:


On one hand you have a group of relatively well known Rangers supporters who put their names forward, based on a personal statement about their skills, etc. I also understand from this discussion that these are unpaid roles. It seems to me that these people have many skills and attributes, but nowhere in there is the key skill - leadership.


Then there's a faction of disgruntled fans who are criticising these same individuals for making an apparent mess of it, or for their apparent self interest above everything else. Why don't any of these fans give up their jobs and go run it? Afterall, to do this properly requires a focus and total commitment, and having another job would only dilute the time required to do it properly.


And finally, there's a bunch of us (me included) just hoping that someone else is going to take responsibility and show leadership to take this idea forward.


Unless there's another faction somewhere I can't see how this will work. If this concept is sound (which I think it is), then we must start seriously considering having some professionals take over. The problem is that it costs money and I don't know how many people would feel about what they'd perceive as big salaries for these positions.


I can't imagine many people with the right skills that would be willing to do this for nothing, despite their love for the club. Perhaps we are expecting too many from the board. If they're the only ones willing to put in the effort for free (assuming that's the case), then who are we to criticise?

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There are good "objective" "honest" "hardworking" "professional" Rangers fans out there. I'm not saying those at the moment are not but it appears we need a clear out.

It may be we need independent Rangrs fans or individuals who have no connection or affiliation with any factions or forums or fans groups?

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I'm not a Club 1872 member, but I'd like to be. I believe in the concept of supporters having a strong say in the direction of the club, and that can only be achieved by having a significant shareholding. However, I would not contribute a single penny to this until I had confidence that the power of this shareholding was to be wielded with the right motives.


There appears to be a number of factions here:


On one hand you have a group of relatively well known Rangers supporters who put their names forward, based on a personal statement about their skills, etc. I also understand from this discussion that these are unpaid roles. It seems to me that these people have many skills and attributes, but nowhere in there is the key skill - leadership.


Then there's a faction of disgruntled fans who are criticising these same individuals for making an apparent mess of it, or for their apparent self interest above everything else. Why don't any of these fans give up their jobs and go run it? Afterall, to do this properly requires a focus and total commitment, and having another job would only dilute the time required to do it properly.


And finally, there's a bunch of us (me included) just hoping that someone else is going to take responsibility and show leadership to take this idea forward.


Unless there's another faction somewhere I can't see how this will work. If this concept is sound (which I think it is), then we must start seriously considering having some professionals take over. The problem is that it costs money and I don't know how many people would feel about what they'd perceive as big salaries for these positions.


I can't imagine many people with the right skills that would be willing to do this for nothing, despite their love for the club. Perhaps we are expecting too many from the board. If they're the only ones willing to put in the effort for free (assuming that's the case), then who are we to criticise?


It's up to the membership to push for new elections, i would vote for the three that resigned their positions to be voted back on the board, if and it's a big if, they would stand again. Obviously it would also depend on whether the other current board members would stand for re-election and whether or not they would again be selected?


We also would need someone with legal training on the board, that might have to be a paid (probably part-time) position.

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I'm not a Club 1872 member, but I'd like to be. I believe in the concept of supporters having a strong say in the direction of the club, and that can only be achieved by having a significant shareholding. However, I would not contribute a single penny to this until I had confidence that the power of this shareholding was to be wielded with the right motives.


There appears to be a number of factions here:


On one hand you have a group of relatively well known Rangers supporters who put their names forward, based on a personal statement about their skills, etc. I also understand from this discussion that these are unpaid roles. It seems to me that these people have many skills and attributes, but nowhere in there is the key skill - leadership.


Then there's a faction of disgruntled fans who are criticising these same individuals for making an apparent mess of it, or for their apparent self interest above everything else. Why don't any of these fans give up their jobs and go run it? Afterall, to do this properly requires a focus and total commitment, and having another job would only dilute the time required to do it properly.


And finally, there's a bunch of us (me included) just hoping that someone else is going to take responsibility and show leadership to take this idea forward.


Unless there's another faction somewhere I can't see how this will work. If this concept is sound (which I think it is), then we must start seriously considering having some professionals take over. The problem is that it costs money and I don't know how many people would feel about what they'd perceive as big salaries for these positions.


I can't imagine many people with the right skills that would be willing to do this for nothing, despite their love for the club. Perhaps we are expecting too many from the board. If they're the only ones willing to put in the effort for free (assuming that's the case), then who are we to criticise?



Gaffer I agree with much of what you say , but for many many reasons it's just not that simple , certain individuals were actually promoted through the press by the club pulling in favours and given plenty of column inches about why they would be the best for club1872 , some who had great social media presence had another advantage , yet guys like Ian Martin who was well in the running in every forum that ran a poll never got a sniff in the end up , another factor is apathy , out of approx 8500 members , just over 1200 could be bothered to vote , says it all really .

Edited by rbr
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