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How does the Scottish National team get back to the heights of the 70's/80's?

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There is a lot of talk of what the solution is, where to go next. From Ernie Walker to Malky McKay, via Germans and Dutch at various levels trying to tell us how it should be done, we have been all over the place for 30 years!!


So what's the answer?


  1. Do we return to a Schools system that served us well bringing through the likes of Kenny Dalgleish, et al? What is a modern version of a system like that?
  2. Do we continue to explore what works for other successful countries and give that a go? It worked for Germany 12 years ago, so can we do that? Is that what Malky's doing? Or is Malky bringing the English system to Scotland?
  3. Should we follow the Welsh system and punt the two biggest teams into the English league, dock the tail of the SPFL, and let it 'flourish' at a lower level?
  4. Any other ideas?


Personally, I reckon it has to be number three. The best Scottish players will NEVER get better playing in a stunted SPFL especially with Rangers & Them still in the league. The Old Firm and potentially some of the other regular top 6, need to be in the top flight of English football (probably only the old firm) or some other elite league structure to let the players get better. These players still want to play for the Old Firm at a young age, but their development can't bridge the gap between SPFL level and European International or Elite League level.

Wales, NI & Republic of Ireland often punch above their weight at International level, in my opinion, because they recognise their leagues are poor, and actively send all of their best players to England. That does not happen in Scotland, not because the players are not good enough, but because at a young age, all the best players are at the Old Firm and just don't get the level of competition or coaching required. I believe all of the Scottish national team should come from outside the SPFL.


Even if that happens, there are still so many questions to answer.


  • How did Scottish clubs manage to become successful in Europe in the 80's with all of the best players down in England?
  • How can we stir up the passion in today's kids that I had as a boy in the 80's?
  • Are the Old Firm really good for Scottish Football?
  • Who is next in the procession of fixers after Malky McKay?
  • In football terms, what is the "Scottish Way", have we lost our identity?

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3 foreigner rule would be one. But its all about improving the current product and without TV money its summer football.


Smart phones and TVs have taken over the mind of kids and no longer do you get young ones wanting to kick a coke bottle around. This is why you will see countries like Chile, Uruguay and African countries start to do well in tournaments because you will find Alexis Sanchez in the street. You wont find a Davie Cooper in a burger king.


Same goes for Wales - without Gareth Bale they wouldnt win games.

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The OF aren't going to England anytime soon so we have to start from where we are. The concern is that most our national team are not even playing in the English top flight. Money is key. Fewer professional clubs with the ones there are with a heavy emphasis on youth development. Could sort out the ridiculous league arrangements then and teams playing each other twice would make it less of a procession for us and them too. The English league will take the best so we need to get smarter about contracts to make sure at least some money flows north (and have the money to ensure Scots clubs sell when they're ready and for a reasonable price). If we're outside the EU, might be able to bring back a local content requirement. Might see some partnerships, informal or formal, develop with English clubs (or others for that matter but England most likely for obvious reasons) where they get first dibs on emerging talent in return for long term loans, etc.

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Gribz hits it on the nail too many kids with heads buried in Iphones,computers etc.

You don't see kids playing in streets with a ball due to amount of traffic nowadays,playparks are deserted and costs of using council/private facilities are crippling need I say more.

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3 foreigner rule would be one. But its all about improving the current product and without TV money its summer football.


Smart phones and TVs have taken over the mind of kids and no longer do you get young ones wanting to kick a coke bottle around. This is why you will see countries like Chile, Uruguay and African countries start to do well in tournaments because you will find Alexis Sanchez in the street. You wont find a Davie Cooper in a burger king.


Same goes for Wales - without Gareth Bale they wouldnt win games.


We're not even producing a single player approaching the quality of Gareth Bale with a bigger population than Wales. Nor a Davie Cooper and back in his time we had such a surplus of riches Davie wasn't even a first pick for Scotland. But you're right. When I was growing up boys spent the majority of the Summer holiday kicking a ball around not texting.


There is no way to put the digital genie back in the bottle. Even if you could get them kicking a ball around the first vacuous facebook post and the game would be abandoned.

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We're not even producing a single player approaching the quality of Gareth Bale with a bigger population than Wales. Nor a Davie Cooper and back in his time we had such a surplus of riches Davie wasn't even a first pick for Scotland. But you're right. When I was growing up boys spent the majority of the Summer holiday kicking a ball around not texting.


There is no way to put the digital genie back in the bottle. Even if you could get them kicking a ball around the first vacuous facebook post and the game would be abandoned.


Yup my school holidays from aged 7 or 8 until 17 consisted of playing football even twice a day even during term time we'd play at school every lunch time and then 5 a sides in the winter nights or in the park in the summer.


I remember in one of my older houses when I was around 9 years old we had a great patch of grass in a cul-de-sac and about 7 or 8 kids from the street would play every day until a council sign went up saying No Ball Games because a few old residents weren't happy about the ball rolling under their cars. Disgrace.


I think a switch to Summer football would help standard from a clubs point of view but grass roots have to do something about getting kids in playing without worrying about posting their lunch photos.

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