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New Managers plans/influence.....

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So, we have our new manager in place.


Do folk think that he should be making any sweeping changes etc in order to bring things into his way of playing ASAP, or pretty much sticking with what we've been doing & only making minor adjustments until the end of the season???


With a handful of games left to play in the league (8??), there is a risk that if he tries to implement wholesale change, that the team might struggle to adapt & end up dropping points (initially) then limping over the line.


On the other hand if he tries to maintain what they are doing with only a few wee tweeks, we should be able to cruise home to the EoS & hopefully get that 2nd spot back from Aberdeen. He will then have the close-season to work/mould the players as required.


I think that the introduction of the new manager will give the players a massive boost overall.

It would be interesting to know what changes he DOES introduce straight away....

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I suspect our signings in the summer might well have a spanish/ portuguese flavour. Undoubtedly there could be some good value to be had in terms of adding some technical ability to our squad.


I think we need a stronger spine and I hope this is something he addresses quickly. Centre half, defensive midfield, goalscoring striker.


The other aspect might be how he views players not currently playing. As an example: Dodoo seems to have dropped away quickly, but I have wondered if he might have been worth giving a run of games to see if he can string some performances together.

Edited by stewarty
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Pedrinho mended is his agent , he more than anyone should be telling or rather advising the manager of the mental toughness required , in fact the new manager talks about that side of things in his interview

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I would hope he keeps things more or less as they are till the end of season. I would like to see us play a similar shape to yesterday at Dolly and Mhanks at home for example(semi too). Slightly more open in other games.

It would make sense to say to the players they are all on trial till the EoS. I think I mentioned before that we really need someone who knows the club on his staff. That's still the case. Alex Rae would be a good shout for me.

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The good thing about the timing is that he has a good chance of a win this Saturday after a week with the players. I doubt he'll change much in this period and may well stick with the more pragmatic system we seen yesterday.


After the Hamilton game he then has a fortnight before another home match against a struggling Motherwell. He can use that time to implement a few more of his ideas and April will certainly be a massive month in terms of him finding performances and results to show fans he was the correct choice.

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After the Hamilton game he then has a fortnight before another home match against a struggling Motherwell. He can use that time to implement a few more of his ideas and April will certainly be a massive month in terms of him finding performances and results to show fans he was the correct choice.


The thing is that he must maintain results from the get-go......a couple of wins under his belt will settle anyone who is unsure of his ability. That's why I think he will only implement a couple of minor tweaks - maybe keep Tav in the midfield slot for example. I though Wilson put in a good shift yesterday as well, and will most certainly be in the managers planned starting 11.

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In his interview he mentions the importance of mental toughness and that he will start work on this area


For me it was the biggest difference between the two sides yesterday. Both defences are terrible but ours was nervous in top of that


I thought we showed great mentality yesterday. There have been many teams that have caused Ceptic to struggle in the 1st half of games, then they start to wilt, and Ceptic just over-run them.....we maintained out standard throughout the game & caused them to struggle.

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The longer the game went on yesterday, the more confident we became - so much so our equaliser wasn't a surprise as we really were dominating by then.


Confidence is such an important aspect of football. It makes you a yard quicker, physically and mentally.

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Hodson was rather good at right-back, essentially quelled the thre,atd of Sinclair all day long, with Tav backing him up too. That is what you get with Hodson, a solid defender that works 90+ mins. Tav has the odd slip in concentration too many, which allows good wingers to get by him.


In games like yesterday, the combination on the right worked rather well. So much so, that McKay rarely saw the ball. On yesterday's evidence, we might put Garner and Waghorn into the more central attacking slots and keep Miller as the free roving creative option, with McKay for later on - for the Cup Semi-Final. The more trouble we cause them there, the less bother they'll give us at the back.

Edited by der Berliner
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