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[FT] Celtic 1 - 1 Rangers (Hill 87)

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*** photo kindly deleted by BH ***


To hell with such things - off topic, I know but the painting makes me feel I have to point out these horrors:


The bull is not an aggressive animal, and the reason he is angry and attempts to charge at the matador whilst in the bullring is mainly because he has been horrendously abused for the previous two days. In fact, what spectators see is not a normal, healthy bull, but a weakened, half-blinded and mentally destroyed version, whose chances of harming his tormentors is virtually nil. The bull has wet newspapers stuffed into his ears; vaseline is rubbed into his eyes to blur his vision; cotton is stuffed up his nostrils to cut off his respiration and a needle is stuck into his genitals. Also, a strong caustic solution is rubbed onto his legs which throws him off balance. This also keeps him from lying down on the ground. In addition to this, drugs are administered to pep him up or slow him down, and strong laxatives are added to his feed to further incapacitate him. He is kept in a dark box for a couple of days before he faces the ring: the purpose of this is to disorientate him. When he is let out of the box, he runs desperately towards the light at the end of the tunnel. He thinks that at last his suffering is over and he is being set free — instead, he runs into the bullring to face his killers and a jeering mob.


The matador is supposed to sever the artery near the heart with one thrust of the sword — in fact, this never happens. It often takes 2-3 times before the creature is mercifully released by death. By this time, the bull’s lungs and heart will be punctured and he always vomits blood. Miraculously, he sometimes attempts to rise again, and gets up on his knees, only to receive further mutilation at the hands of his tormentors. He finally gives up, goes to his knees and lies down. Even then, he is not allowed a little dignity to leave this world in peace, his ears and tail are cut off (often when he is fully conscious), and his broken, bleeding body is dragged around the ring by mules, to which he is attached by an apparatus made of wood and chains. Not content with his suffering, which must be too horrible to describe by words, the crowds boo and jeer him. They even throw empty beer cans at him. His body is then taken away to be skinned, and even then he may not be dead when this happens.




A horse being gored by a bullThe bull is not the only animal to suffer in the ring — hundreds of horses die long and agonising deaths as they are gored by the pain-crazed bull. Horses have their ears stuffed with wet newspaper, they are blindfolded and their vocal chords are cut so they are unable to scream in pain. It is not an uncommon occurrence for horses to stumble upon their own entrails after being badly gored. After a horse has been wounded it is led out of the ring, given crude surgery, and sent back in. Horses used in bullrings sweat and tremble from fear — they are forced to return to the ring time and time again. The picador’s horses are generally animals whose working life is over, and which are, therefore, old, infirm and docile. Their reward for serving mankind faithfully is to end their days in the bullrings. They are kept in poor conditions between fights, and, not surprisingly, their life expectancy is short.


I should point out that it is less horrific in Portugal. Still horrific, but less so.

Edited by SteveC
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To hell with such things -


The bull is not an aggressive animal, and the reason he is angry and attempts to charge at the matador whilst in the bullring is mainly because he has been horrendously abused for the previous two days. In fact, what spectators see is not a normal, healthy bull, but a weakened, half-blinded and mentally destroyed version, whose chances of harming his tormentors is virtually nil. The bull has wet newspapers stuffed into his ears; vaseline is rubbed into his eyes to blur his vision; cotton is stuffed up his nostrils to cut off his respiration and a needle is stuck into his genitals. Also, a strong caustic solution is rubbed onto his legs which throws him off balance. This also keeps him from lying down on the ground. In addition to this, drugs are administered to pep him up or slow him down, and strong laxatives are added to his feed to further incapacitate him. He is kept in a dark box for a couple of days before he faces the ring: the purpose of this is to disorientate him. When he is let out of the box, he runs desperately towards the light at the end of the tunnel. He thinks that at last his suffering is over and he is being set free — instead, he runs into the bullring to face his killers and a jeering mob.


No argument with any of that, just trying to illustrate our new manager.


Happy to delete the picture if folk find it offensive.


Edit: I take the point and will delete the picture, apologies to you and anyone else who was offended.

Edited by BrahimHemdani
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No argument with any of that, just trying to illustrate our new manager.


Happy to delete the picture if folk find it offensive.


Wasn't having a go at you, BH. Just upsets me, the unreal level of savagery involved.

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Wasn't having a go at you, BH. Just upsets me, the unreal level of savagery involved.


No, No you are correct, I just thought I would illustrate our ex bull-fighting head coach but it wasn't meant to imply anything at all about him or bull-fighting.


Edit: Original post with picture now deleted. I leave it up to you as to whether or not you wish to retain your post with the picture.

Edited by BrahimHemdani
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No argument with any of that, just trying to illustrate our new manager.


Happy to delete the picture if folk find it offensive.



Not a problem for me BH. I attended a bullfight many years ago, just outside Palma in Mallorca. I also have frequently watched and enjoyed the Festival of San Fermin. Its part of another country's culture and having spent much time there I quite enjoy it. No its not perfect, who is? Anyone who fancies being chased by a bunch of wild animals can either go to Pamplona or hurl abuse at the "Bingo Mafia" on a Sunday night:laugh2:



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No argument with any of that, just trying to illustrate our new manager.


Happy to delete the picture if folk find it offensive.


Edit: I take the point and will delete the picture, apologies to you and anyone else who was offended.


The picture doesn't bother me but Bull fighting should be banned. FFS in Holland they are banning St Nicholas's helpers because of their black painted faces which has been a part of Dutch culture for hundreds of years and yet these people are allowed to mutilate animals because it is their culture. Unbelievable.

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Uilleam, please delete your post with my picture, the original post of which I will now delete.


Not sure that I am keen on censoring Georges Bizet, or on censorship at all, for that matter.





However, I have deleted the post with the painting therein.

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