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[FT] Rangers 6 (Waghorn 33 pen; Garner 48, 88, 90; Toral 77; Hill 82) - 0 Hamilton

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Garner's was bad the way it turned out, but it wasn't intentional; he was going to boot the ball off the player... hard. It's something I see quite regularly in Scottish football tbh.


Foderingham has misjudged the ball and probably deserved to get red-carded for it. It was close, so it's understandable that the refs missed it.


Quite simply it was a Penalty. However, as McCann said in the studio, not for the tug of the shirt, but for the stamp -- probably the wrong word -- on Toral's foot which caused him to lose his balance.

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Garner's was bad the way it turned out, but it wasn't intentional; he was going to boot the ball off the player... hard. It's something I see quite regularly in Scottish football tbh.


Foderingham has misjudged the ball and probably deserved to get red-carded for it. It was close, so it's understandable that the refs missed it.


Quite simply it was a Penalty. However, as McCann said in the studio, not for the tug of the shirt, but for the stamp -- probably the wrong word -- on Toral's foot which caused him to lose his balance.

McCann just decided what the ref gave it for. On tv the ref made no indication it was for a pull. The commentary today was disgusting. The Hamilton player tipped the ball out the way with his toe making garner take a fresh air swing, next thing we know the commentator is calling it the worst decision he has ever seen, evidence of garners mentality, and a clear red card, and that garner meant it as he was LAUGHING AT THE INJURED PALYER! A complete and utter misrepresentation of the incident saying the very least.
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Well where did that come from?


Best performance of the season by a mile, ably assisted by getting the benefit of some terrible refereeing as we should have been down to 9 men with both Wes & Garner clear cut red cards. About time we got a break!


Garners introduction changed the game from a competent enough first half to a dominant second half. See what can happen when Miller doesn't play Just when I said surely this will mean no Miller next week I got reminded that Garner is suspended for a stupid booking picked up last week.


Good performances from Toral and Hyndman, McKay was superb and should have had another couple of assists but for poor finishing, Waghorns form and sharpness continues to improve, and we were ruthlessly wanting more goals which was another change from under Warburton.


Still have nothing to be confident about for next weekend due to our weaknesses being very weak, but we can at least enjoy the next few days which should bring some more good news with the appointments of manager and DofF to continue on from two good home wins in 4 days.

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We really cannot complain with 6 (six) goals in the opposition net. A bit sticky, in places, at times, in the first half. Second half demonstrably better.

Garner, whose signing has puzzled me since I first clapped eyes on him, seems much better as a penalty box centre forward.

Acas were poor, mind, but how often has the team struggled against keech opposition? Of course, the referee could have viewed a no of 'incidents' differently, but a deserved and much needed victory.


Onward and upward.

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A red card for taking a fresh air swipe at the ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a millisecond before he hit the ball that the Hamilton player touched it out the way.


A bit reckless, but he is a 'Ger; thus it was astonishing that he did not receive a red card, and a charge from the Procurator Fiscal.


Personally, I enjoy decisions like this, as they send the fhilth and their fellators into fits. Wonderful to witness.

Edited by Uilleam
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Garner's was bad the way it turned out, but it wasn't intentional; he was going to boot the ball off the player... hard. It's something I see quite regularly in Scottish football tbh.



I almost got sent off for doing the exact same thing playing against Dunipace in the early seventies.

A ball over at the touchline. Both me and an opposition man kicked the ball at the same time. The only problem was he went into orbit.

To my mind the only decision the ref had to make was, which team got the throw in.

Things are different nowadays and Garner can seem guilty of being somewhat rash at times.

Scottish football, playing for Rangers isn't going to be the easiest for Joe.

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A bit reckless, but he is a 'Ger; thus it was astonishing that he did not receive a red card, and a charge from the Procurator Fiscal.


Personally, I enjoy decisions like this, as they send the fhilth and their fellators into fits. Wonderful to witness.


Over on Kiddyfiddler Street there are calls for Garner to get done by both the football and criminal authorities.

The fact that Joe got booked and can't be subject of retrospective punishment sees the manks frothing at the mouth. :seal:

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Over on Kiddyfiddler Street there are calls for Garner to get done by both the football and criminal authorities.

The fact that Joe got booked and can't be subject of retrospective punishment sees the manks frothing at the mouth. :seal:


I think that JG should perhaps stay in tonight, to avoid the vigilantes of sporting integrity.

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