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At last, some good news.

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The fool JJ has obviously got this quarters leccy bill through and is becoming desperate -


" sitonfence says:

February 27, 2017 at 4:56 am

Despite working hard over the weekend and providing several exclusives my only recompense was a single donation of £3. There are those who still cling to the notion that £3 per month is enough to keep my head above water. With only 50-60 regular donors it is just not tenable. One day soon I will stop making appeals. This could be my last. JJ. "


He then follows that appeal with more begging letters under a couple of his other user names -


" God7ather says:

February 27, 2017 at 9:22 am

I feel I am qualified in making comment to all that read today’s blog posted by JJ early today. I Bet a few of you went out yesterday and paid maybe £1.70 for the mail on Sunday, you might even be more intilectual than me ( I left school with no qualifications so would not be hard) and pay £2.00 for the telegraph. Might even want to read the same old shite in the Sunday Mail at £1.70, god help you guys. Or if like me you enjoy the FT at the weekend especially with their brilliant monthly magazine “How to spend it” (I am sure Dave King sits in his castle and reads the online version) at £3.00.

Calculate that over 52 weeks and donate regularly to this site. This is a great guide to the real cost of contributing to the upkeep of the blog. If your guilty of reading, enjoying and ignoring your duties then you are no better than the rangers support who allowed their club to die. If you are on here and enjoying the glory of going to your mate at work and giving them ” in the know inside info” that you regurgitate from here YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. YES YOU.


A few people have stopped there reading my rant. If you are still reading this then you care. Go to PayPal now. It’s your duty. "


" Richard McCaffery says:

February 27, 2017 at 10:47 am

Come on guys, this is a fantastic blog, it is the go to site for true information regarding Scottish football, particularly the Sevco pantomime. It would be a sad day if JJ pulled the plug due to a lack of financial backing.

I know not everyone can afford to make a donation, but when you look at the hits compared to regular donations the % is very small. Think of the alternative if JJ pulled the plug, daily rectum etc, I urge other readers to make a donation however small, to ensure this site lives on. "




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