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In all honesty, where the feck do you go with an article like this ?

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As noted on FF, this was the prick who was trying to get the Youth Development money signed over on the morning of the EGM. If there's no money at Ibrox, it's because of the damage this arsehole contributed to. Does Ashley seriously think he can ever get back a measure of control at the club without consequences?

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At least 6 times in 6 months that scumbag and his pals were caught out telling lies and had to apologise to the Rangers fans, the stock exchange and others. Remember Easdale didn't get paid ?

This was the guy we were told had increased Newcastle Utd's turnover by an incredible amount - that turned out to be a pile of shyte too.

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Ashley had every opportunity to put significant sums of money into Rangers. He did the exact opposite and has taken fortunes out and will take fortunes out. That is the story the lazy press should be highlighting.


I looked round one of his stores out of curiosity yesterday (never been in one before) and he must be making an absolute fortune on cheaply Far East produced goods, exploitative distribution infrastructure and no doubt low paid retail staff. Rangers are a line item on his portfolio. Nothing more. He did of course have a great opportunity with Rangers to get global marketing but his greed fecked that up. If. If he is the answer then we truly are desperate. I noticed John James (don't laugh) was going on about how he would have invested 30m. The blogging lunatic failed to mention how much he would have taken out the club. The only way Ashley will get any control is through negative behaviour such as the court case. it will not be out of any desire to help Rangers.

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