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Finally ... Man arrested after hanging blow up dolls

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Man charged with hanging blow up dolls at Old Firm match


STV 14 October 2016


Martin Gallagher, 25, pleaded not guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Friday


A Celtic fan has been charged with displaying an allegedly offensive banner and blow up dolls at an Old Firm match last month.


Two dolls wearing a Rangers scarf and orange sash were hung from nooses during the match at Celtic Park on Saturday, September 10.


Police launched an investigation and this week arrested Martin Gallagher, 25, in connection with the incident.


On Friday, he appeared in court and was charged under the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act.


Prosecutors claim that, while acting with others, Gallagher engaged in behaviour likely to "incite public disorder" by displaying the "threatening and offensive" banner and hanging "inflatable figures".


Gallagher, from Glasgow, pleaded not guilty when he appeared from custody at Glasgow Sheriff Court.


Sheriff Alan Findlay granted bail on the standard conditions and a trial was set for March next year.




- A Celtic fan has been charged ... Huzzah! It really was a Celtic fan! Who would have guessed that STV grew some ball ... oh wait:

- allegedly offensive ... allegedly?

- threatening and offensive ... while they note the orange scarf, it wasn't sectarian?

- On bail till next year ... well, well. Mother-well springs to mind!

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