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Nil By Mouth survey on Strict Liability

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You are correct, of course, that the term "strict liability" refers to the liability not the sentencing; but my point is that the authorities will want to be seen to be scrupulously fair, so that whilst they may well set the parameters of the sentences in their rules, the independent panel will make the judgements.


laughing my head off

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From memory....the SFA/SPFL were virtually powerless in the charges that could be brought against Hibs due to NOT having strict liability in place. Hibs simply pulled out the "We took reasonable measures" excuse.


That's exactly the point, thank you very much; at last some sense in the debate.

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The last question in that survey asks....'What team do you support' ??? :wanker:


I didn't open the link but somehow knew that would appear somewhere. :flipa:

The cyber bin awaits the view of any bear who wasted more than a second filling in their fecking garbage survey,

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Ultimate responsibility lays at the door of the SFA, it was their ground and their competition. They conducted a whitewash to clear their own arse and that of the Police.


all the anecdotal evidence indicates it most certainly won't.



What proportion of Rangers fans on the Hampden pitch last May compared to the proportion of Hibs fans have been lifted?


Since when is the SFA responsible for arresting fans for public order or any other offences?


Your anecdotes have nothing whatsoever to do with strict liability because as I said it is the Clubs that will be in the dock not the individual fans and references to the season being extended, tours etc are not examples of unacceptable conduct of fans.

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I didn't open the link but somehow knew that would appear somewhere. :flipa:

The cyber bin awaits the view of any bear who wasted more than a second filling in their fecking garbage survey,


I'm guilty of taking the survey mate...not sure why I put CELTIC as the team I support...head went mad I reckon.:sneaky:

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Do you think what happened at the Cup Final is the reason for this survey BH?!


I have no idea, I don't know anything about NbM or how they operate.


But there seems no doubt that they support strict liability and would like the survey to show that they have public support. I thought it was well balanced and I suspect it was drawn up professionally. It is entirely legitimate to ask which club the respondents support so they can show results per club support. Equally I assume that Club 1872, like most but not all (as evidenced on here) Rangers fans are opposed to strict liability, hence theirsurvey which they know will show the opposite view. I wouldn't be surprised if every club in the land (Celtic included) produce their own survey showing their fans are 95% opposed and that's precisely the reason (plus the Clubs being opposed) why it will come into place.

Edited by BrahimHemdani
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