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Rangers fans are playing a blinder..but their loyalty is self-defeating...

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Ah Bill, desperate time demand desperate measures. We are all products of our conditioning, and loyalty to our club is the comfort blanket we are left clinging to. I remember yourself and Stuart Cosgrove on BBC Radio Scotland five years past, in triumphalistic mode, telling the listenership that Rangers meltdown would see them playing in front of 8,000 fans every other week. On Saturday, Hugh MacDonald on the same means was wondering aloud as to why Rangers supporters continue trap, given their culture is about winning. Stuart murmured approval. Their understanding of Bears is up there with the clown prepared to pen an analogy of a Rangers supporter kicking his pet dog, Albertz down the street.


There is a difference between what you, Stuart, and Hugh want it to be, and what it is. You have arrived at a conclusion and you are making your 'objective' appreciation fit your preferred conclusion. Desperate!


Talking desperate Bill, how's that internet dating site thing going?


"Rangers fans deserve all they get" "kicking their dog up and down the street"?? Guys, seriously this is all very subliminal dehumanising!! Painting this picture. Maybe it's only me that can see it? I suspect your average "Sun" reader won't and it will absorb into their subconscious.

You have got to flag this up!! Disgraceful.

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The guy is clearly an imbecile, one with a selective memory, but for some reason has access to a computer.

If he is not a cretin, he should be embarrassed at distributing such drivel.


Frankly, about 90% of the posters on this board could deconstruct his article and destroy it paragraph by paragraph; but, really, what is the point?

Even if we undertook such an exercise, he would be unlikely to see it. If he did, he would be unlikely to respond , even if he understood our refutation.


Consign to the remedial class of history.

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I'll probably be in the minority here...I think the article has a point & I just put up a post along very similar lines (minus the fan stuff).


Sometimes the fans are just too loyal for their own good.


You can't on the one hand say the club needs the fans - it does(did) financially


then decry them do for being too loyal


I think the best course of action is to go along and voice your displeasure from the stands be that in the form of banners decrying scum like ashley etc. or booing half hearted inept performances from over paid donkeys

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You can't on the one hand say the club needs the fans - it does(did) financially


then decry them do for being too loyal


I think the best course of action is to go along and voice your displeasure from the stands be that in the form of banners decrying scum like ashley etc. or booing half hearted inept performances from over paid donkeys


That's one of the points being made.....the fans start protesting/booing etc about what's going on, yet still provide fund s/income to allow things to continue.

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That's one of the points being made.....the fans start protesting/booing etc about what's going on, yet still provide fund s/income to allow things to continue.


for so long


the booing/protesting is supposed to lead to change


it largely works IMO

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That's one of the points being made.....the fans start protesting/booing etc about what's going on, yet still provide fund s/income to allow things to continue.


If fans don't provide the funds/income by attending matches then there won't be a club to support full stop.

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Booing the players is never an option that will work,many have said about our budget and salaries,so if they are going to be subjected booing they might just turn up and not try a leg whilst they will still get paid.

Certainly protesting about Ashley might give a release of temper but will get us nowhere.

We expect our team to win every game so we have to stand behind them.

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The guy is a complete moron, however he seems to have forgotten that the Easdale's were forced out in 2014/15 after season ticket sales plummeted.

But let's face it the likes of Leckie are gutted that we stuck by the club. For years they labelled us all glory-hunters. When we were signing Gazza etc his columns (and others') were all full of claims we would disappear "like snow off a dyke" if we stopped winning everything. Now the loyalty of our fans is the most famous thing about our club, and it is recognised and appreciated around the world.

The whole idea behind demoting us, or at least part of it, was that our fans were supposed to stop following Rangers and start supporting other teams, like St.Mirren(!). As we all know their gates, and those of most other Scottish clubs plumetted, as local based Gers fans decided to stop giving money to these clubs who tried to kill us off. If Man Utd got demoted to the Conference in England, would they still sell out Old Trafford every week?

No, but Rangers fans stuck by us when they could have turned elsewhere, and in the long run that will see us back at the top of Scottish football

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