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Time to cut Mark Warburton some slack...?

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if Dom Ball's so good howcome he's on loan at Peteborough?


David Beckham went on loan to Preston as a youngster, enough said. But obviously Ball is getting more first team experience, and league 1 isnt a million miles off scottish premiership standard. Throw in the talent Spurs have in midfield then he is better out on loan.

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Not sure why everyone thinks de Boer would be a candidate. His name seems to get mentioned repeatedly just because someone said on a forum that Gilligan fancied him. There's no way that he would come to Rangers under the current financial restrictions of Scotland generally and Rangers specifically.


(This post isn't aimed at you, Gribz, it's just you mentioned him and I'm using it as an example).


I agree he wouldnt be a candidate at all this time round - its wishful thinking. maybe 5 years time but depending where he ends up next he maybe never will be a consideration. His time in italy has set him back a bit but i think he will end up at another top club eventually.

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David Beckham went on loan to Preston as a youngster, enough said. But obviously Ball is getting more first team experience, and league 1 isnt a million miles off scottish premiership standard. Throw in the talent Spurs have in midfield then he is better out on loan.


I thought that young Mr Ball was actually, now, a Rotherham player, having signed for The Millers at the start of the season.

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I suspect I might be alone in my assessment?


Changing the manager, whether he deserves to go or not is a distraction. These last twenty years, our club has been consistently operating from a position of weakness. I think '96/'97 was the last financial year that we made a profit, we were £18million in the black. The current Board are fast approaching 2 years in situ', are we any further forward in securing banking facilities and placing the rest of the necessary building blocks in place to put the club atop a sound and secure financial platform? We need a rights issue, probably two or three. I want to hear how far down that particular road we have traveled?


I feel the Board(or elements within) have been briefing against the current manager these last few weeks. They should ask themselves, is this a priority in providing said platform? The Boards job is to place our club in a position of strength. Surely, the manager knows the level of expectation? If he fails to secure second, then he should walk. If that scenario comes to fruition, then the Board should have the next manager, fully informed and ready to go. I would go for Tommy Wright


Similarly, if the current Board are unable to progress the club, they should be actively searching for those Rangers supporters that can fulfill our ambitions and nominate them as their replacements.

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Excellent article.....


Changing managers is a "quick fix", and as with any player signing, offers no guarantee of long term improvement.


The entire club has been completely decimated over the past 5 years, it will take time to rebuild it & ultimately reap the rewards. It's one thing having a decent transfer budget, but if the Stadium & facilities are looking run-down etc, how do you expect to persuade good players to sign. It will take time for the Academy to get back up to scratch & hopefully start producing usable 1st team players, or even sell-able assets.

A lot of money has been plowed into the club (I read a figure of £20m), but most has gone on infrastructure etc. The club is also growing/developing organically - we are not running up £m's in debts and are keeping realistic spending budgets. This is vital for the future.


More folk need to look at the "long game". Finishing 2nd ain't bad or even 3rd won't be the end of the world. Yes we would like it to be more convincing, but many, many pundits didn't even think we'd make the top 6, with some tipping us for relegation - all in,m we're doing not too badly.


Going into next season, with a decent payout from the SPFL, and the prospect of some Euro matches should loosen the purse strings slightly, with some good players hopefully coming in..

I agree. However, regardless of the rights and wrongs of it or where fault lies, where the manager's tenure is essentially holed below the water line. If we could just stick the ball in the net a bit more regularly, things can certainly turn around. But note the 'if'. It's not MW who couldn't score in a brothel and he's being let down by players but that's fitba.

(not saying scoring is our only problem, incidentally. But our conversion rate is a disgrace and getting us into trouble in other respects).

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IMHO, despite clearly not playing as good a football as last season (IMHO due to playing more capable opposition) we still dominate most teams. Some slack defending (again, against more capable teams than last season) and a horrendous waste of scoring opportunities (more due to an unbelievable lack of form in nigh the entire attack line ... when it comes to finding the target) has left us toiling for much of the campaign.


One can obviously hare after the manager for selections and tactics, but despite that, we usually lost points galore because these players wasted still enough chances to win all but 3 or four games. And I doubt that the managers shows any favouritism or the like. Added is the problem of injuries to several players at rather inopportune moments. IMHO, a fit Kranjcar would have helped us enormously, while a fit Rossiter might have been better in DM than Halliday. Dodoo was laid low when he was about to get into the starting slots too.


And on top of that, there is not much the gaffer can actually do, for no matter what personnell he sent out, the stats - possessions, chances, and waste of them remained the same. And there hardly is any better on the bench.


The point that is most annoying, the one always held against MW, are his signings. Who knows what sort of budget he actually has, where he looked for players and whom he contacted? Yet, some folk can't help it and say his signings are "a disaster" ... which is as ultra-cool on hindsight as it is lame. And that we deserved "better" players is another utterly pointless cry, as those doing it have clearly not been up to our current day reality, and that of the football transfer market.


As I remarked elsewhere, this season might be one where the success off the park might be greater than on it. Not a situation one has do endorse, but a necessity on our way back to the top.

Edited by der Berliner
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