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Time to cut Mark Warburton some slack...?

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On the main site today, Graham Hendry makes his writing debut and looks to defend the manager's position?


I suspect this will split many readers so within the article there's a poll asking if we should sack the manager and, if so, who should replace him. Have fun!



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A very good article. The turgid years of mid table finishes were a salutary lesson for those of us who were brought up under the protection of the iron curtain and then became beneficiaries of the McMillan/Baxter years. The plunge to mediocrity was unbelievable.


I forgive the author for repeating the heresy that Barton was Championship Player of the Year.

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Cant disagree with anything. And does put a lot into perspective.


With MW I dont doubt his style of play and what he is setting up behind the first team but its only his inability to change things during a game that needs tweaked. Garner is a dissappointing signing for me due to the fee which could have been put onto someone else, its not Garner is a bad player, he just wont fit into this team regardless if he runs his socks off every game.


I also think we are underestimating the impact Dom Ball had last season.


Interesting stats so far, 51% saying keep MW and 57% for Fran De Boer which isnt a surprise. Why is Arveladze' name on the list, is he managing? I will need to run a search on old Shota.


Edit - Learned his trade as a number two to Van Gaal, Koeman and Advocaat. He will know a thing or two then!!!

Edited by Gribz
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Excellent article.....


Changing managers is a "quick fix", and as with any player signing, offers no guarantee of long term improvement.


The entire club has been completely decimated over the past 5 years, it will take time to rebuild it & ultimately reap the rewards. It's one thing having a decent transfer budget, but if the Stadium & facilities are looking run-down etc, how do you expect to persuade good players to sign. It will take time for the Academy to get back up to scratch & hopefully start producing usable 1st team players, or even sell-able assets.

A lot of money has been plowed into the club (I read a figure of £20m), but most has gone on infrastructure etc. The club is also growing/developing organically - we are not running up £m's in debts and are keeping realistic spending budgets. This is vital for the future.


More folk need to look at the "long game". Finishing 2nd ain't bad or even 3rd won't be the end of the world. Yes we would like it to be more convincing, but many, many pundits didn't even think we'd make the top 6, with some tipping us for relegation - all in,m we're doing not too badly.


Going into next season, with a decent payout from the SPFL, and the prospect of some Euro matches should loosen the purse strings slightly, with some good players hopefully coming in..

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Cant disagree with anything. And does put a lot into perspective.


With MW I dont doubt his style of play and what he is setting up behind the first team but its only his inability to change things during a game that needs tweaked. Garner is a dissappointing signing for me due to the fee which could have been put onto someone else, its not Garner is a bad player, he just wont fit into this team regardless if he runs his socks off every game.


I also think we are underestimating the impact Dom Ball had last season.


Interesting stats so far, 51% saying keep MW and 57% for Fran De Boer which isnt a surprise. Why is Arveladze' name on the list, is he managing? I will need to run a search on old Shota.


Edit - Learned his trade as a number two to Van Gaal, Koeman and Advocaat. He will know a thing or two then!!!


if Dom Ball's so good howcome he's on loan at Peteborough?

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Managers get judged by results. Unless ours improve MW will be going. I hope it doesn't come to that but that's the way things go in football


And the result at the end of the season will hopefully be RFC in 2nd place.


It is also kinda unfortunate that Ceptic are playing some of the best football for many years. I think regardless of how well our team was currently playing, there would still have a sizeable lead at the top.

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I don't have time to read the article just now but I will say to play Warburton's system you have to have a very quick steady defence or forwards that can outscore our opponents.(preferably both) Unfortunately we have neither thus we are caught between wall and ship regularly.

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Interesting stats so far, 51% saying keep MW and 57% for Fran De Boer which isnt a surprise.


Not sure why everyone thinks de Boer would be a candidate. His name seems to get mentioned repeatedly just because someone said on a forum that Gilligan fancied him. There's no way that he would come to Rangers under the current financial restrictions of Scotland generally and Rangers specifically.


(This post isn't aimed at you, Gribz, it's just you mentioned him and I'm using it as an example).

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Difficult to disagree with the article, however, I would question where is the progress? Is MW, as he constantly states 'going away, analysing and learning from this'? If so, why are the same mistakes constantly being made i.e. playing it from the back at a snails pace; defenders being caught out of position; Inability to defend corners or crosses; being too slow in possession (yes Andy Halliday, this is for you!); being inflexible in formation and unable to score goals. Plan A has not been improved upon. Our away results against the better teams (even within the Championship) should have ensured a more pragmatic approach, instead we plough on regardless.


Believe it or not, I am not calling for MW dismissal, instead, I think that he would make a far greater impact on the club by being the Director of Football. We do require a longer term plan and Plan A is great, but you need the players to be able to play in that manner. Given our financial restraints, we need the Academy to be producing players who are able to carry out Plan A. MW could give the entire structure of the club an overhaul and direction as the DoF, but I just believe that his inexperience at a massive club and his inability to influence a game, is showing.

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