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Craig Thomson apologises to St Johnstone

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You are, no doubt, an honest guy BH but I was not thinking of other referees.

There again maybe I'm just getting overly cynical about the nest(s) of vipers, so to speak, that reside in Hampden.




Contrary to popular opinion, referees are human beings and like all human beings including players and managers, they make mistakes from time to time. The best ones (and I'm not offering an opinion here about Mr Thomson) get it right more often than they get it wrong.


It is very often the case that a referee knows instantly when he has made a mistake because of the reaction of the players; oftentimes they and the players just have to live with the error but sometimes they can find a way out by consulting one of the other officials. However if a referee does that more than once in a blue moon his credibilty will be shot,


Furthermore nowadays with TV cameras covering different angles, referees can see when they have made mistakes but it takes quite a big person to apologise.

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