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[FT] Rangers 2 (Miller 85; 89) - 1 Motherwell

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Motherwell was never a team I disliked until the play-off match. I wonder if any of the pitch invaders were tims in disguise.


I had no dislike for them either until that play off debacle then the incident with the ass throwing the ball away from Wallace clinched it. As for them i'm baffled as to why they would hate us. What have we ever done to them aside from beat them? This is a quote from their forum just today.


Any defeat after being 1-0 up with ten to go is devastating but to lose to those bastards is beyond devastating. I hate them with a vengeance.
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I have said this before in a flippant manner that maybe we should give them all a goal of a start to create some urgency. It's not the first time this season we have gone at them and scored after falling behind.

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Toral doesn't look match fit to me. He looked off the pace


We don't see these players on a daily basis, but I was somewhat surprised to see us starting with Toral and MOH*, who both hardly had game time. Both were actually odds on to be subs for later on. And whether MOH's strengths were a good starting choice for breaking up the Motherwell wall? I had my doubts.

Likewise, I was surprised to see Holt, who has been industrious as ever throughout the season, but seems to be off the boils somewhat as well ... probably because running himself into the ground every week.


Next week might be different, as Motherwell will probably be more open in their approach, which should be a field day for quick, counter attacking football out of a solid back. Did I just write "quick"?


*Some cynical voice in me whispered whether we tried to (loan-)shop-window him in today's LIVE game. Though it was a quiet voice ...

Edited by der Berliner
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As Frankie says we don't get enough/anybody in the box. Miller is in midfield as often as he's at centre forward, ok if you play with two up.


I must admit I thought when they scored our heads would go down, so we did well to come back.


I still don't see any improvement in our overall play which is a disappointment.

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did well to turn defeat into a win but its the same old mistakes every week. We need a goal scorer and the manager needs to stop instructing the guy through the middle to run away from goal. Toral seems an okay player but he just isnt what we need. His acquisition has cured zero of our ills.

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We were decent for the whole match without being brilliant. One stupid cross undoes us again, but the defending is not the issue IMO it's the lack of cutting edge up front. To be honest I was confident we'd score at the end there when we were behind. I think when we went behind we had double the amount of attempts (10-5), but they had 2 on target while we had zero (0). This is unacceptable. While this reflects the type of chances each side gets we must be doing better.


I thought Toral did OK without doing anything great, but it'll take a while to get him up to speed. Hyndman looked good, with a nicely weighted pass for Miller.

Edited by Rousseau
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Mark McGhee After Match Comments

But two goals in the final five minutes from Kenny Miller turned the tie on its head – leaving Well boss McGhee shattered.


He confessed: “I’m sorry, you are not going to get a lot out of me.


“I am speechless.


“I have only ever felt as bad as this twice in my 900-odd games as a manager.



“Once at Millwall when we lost in the play-offs and the other time at Wolves when we lost to Crystal Palace in the play-offs.


“They are the only games that match how I am feeling right now.


“Nobody has said anything after the game, nobody had anything to say.


“I’ve said to them what I’ve just said to you.


“They were the only words that were spoken.



“I couldn’t speak for half an hour, I had nothing to say.


“I’m totally speechless.”


McGhee – who claimed afterwards that Scott McDonald wasn’t fit enough to start the match – slammed the ‘ludicrous’ nature of Rangers’ winning goal.


Well looked to have done enough to earn at least a replay but with 60 seconds remaining a Stephen McManus mistake saw Miller pounce.


McGhee, whose side face Rangers again next week as the SPFL returns following the winter break, insisted: “I didn’t think the game was won once we’d scored, there were still over ten minutes to go and we were away from home against Rangers.



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