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[FT] Rangers 2 (Miller 85; 89) - 1 Motherwell

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Applauding at a young life being lost is not something I will ever take part in, I find the idea distasteful in the extreme.


You are applauding her life not her death. I agree with you that silence is better for me but applauding at a certain time has become a modern trend. We have to move with the times mate even if we don't always like it. Being stubborn and getting locked in the past is a worse option.

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Respectfully disagree mate, not all modern trends are an improvement on what happened before. With such a large world wide fan base, a club like ours can be having these minutes applauses 10 times every home game - where do you draw the line?


Let's be honest, 99% of those applauding will know nothing of these lost souls. If you have been affected by this death, send a card to the family or make a donation to a cancer charity. Applauding the death of a cancer victim is sick in my very personal opinion, but I understand this new wave of social media grief and wouldn't dissuade anyone else from contributing in this way.

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Motherwell was never a team I disliked until the play-off match. I wonder if any of the pitch invaders were tims in disguise. ...


I usually make a difference between disliking a club and its support. Supporters attitudes change over the years and more often than not, clubs attitudes don't. SOme clubs do behave much like their supporters though, be it the Scum, the Arabs, Hibs and Aberdeen. I have no problem with the rest in Scotland, and as you say, the morons that entered the field at Fir Park may have been more than the odd Motherwell casual. The whole affair rather paints the SPFL in as dark a picture as the SFA, with next to nothing being handed out to the culprits (bar Mohsni, of course), and surely not the club. Perhaps - even though it should not stand in the way of putting the book down on them - the SPFL did not want to push Motherwell further in the red figures with fines and all. The whole thing, very much like the cup final, was handled as poor as it gets. And we were on the receiving end - again. You wonder what would have happened if it had been vice versa.


As for their fans, while appalled by their actions, you still had that feeling of dignified superiority, as you knew that this war might have been lost, this game too. But likewise you knew that this mediocre lot will not see any silverware for years to come and end up in the doldrums of Scottish football where they always have been.


Now, as for today, I would assume that we will not trial 3-at-the-back again, as Motherwell is not a team that requires this (now that I said it, it may come back to haunt us ... ). I wonder whether we will play Toral and Windass, as they essentially occupy a similar role, and whether we'll play both Halliday and Hyndman from the start, as they both occupy a similar space in midfield. I would exepct that MW sticks with Miller through the middle and Waghorn on the right attacking slot. McKay probably a certain starter for the left attacking slot.

Edited by der Berliner
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