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Teenager to stand trial for allegedly assaulting former Rangers player Dean Shiels

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Teenager to stand trial for allegedly assaulting former Rangers player Dean Shiels at Scottish Cup final


By Ashlie McAnally


A teenager is due to stand trial for allegedly assaulting former Rangers player Dean Shiels at the Scottish Cup final last year.


Greig Binnie, 19, allegedly acted aggressively towards the player and “uttered abusive remarks” towards him at Hampden Park when Hibs beat Rangers 3-2.


The alleged offence is contrary to the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act.


Binnie from Ratho, Edinburgh, is also accused of assaulting Shiels by “seizing hold” of the player at Hampden Park.


He appeared yesterday (Thurs) at Glasgow Sheriff Court where he denied the charge.


A trial is set for next month.


A STUDENT has admitted taking part in the Hampden pitch invasion at the end of the Scottish Cup final which shamed Scotland.


Greg Binnie pled guilty to running at and making offensive gestures towards Rangers keeper Wes Foderingham after climbing over fencing at Hampden Park on May 21.


Sports coaching student Binnie was in the dock at Glasgow Sheriff Court after appearing from custody.


READ MORE: Hibs fan appears in court charged with attempting to punch Rangers stars Lee Wallace and Jason Holt


He was charged under the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act for engaged in behaviour which was likely to incite trouble.


The court heard Binnie climbed over the barrier and entered on to the field of play after Hibs beat Rangers 3-2 on Saturday.


He ran at English goalie Foderingham and gestured in an offensive manner.

Greg Binnie, circled, was close to the Rangers keeper Wes Foderingham as another man shoved him


The procurator fiscal depute Kathleen O’Donnell told the court that Binnie had no previous convictions and said she would be asking for a football banning order to be imposed on him.


Defence lawyer Joe Murphy said: “This has given Mr Binnie and his family a lot of trouble since the weekend.


“Threats have been made to him and members of his family.


I take it this is the same guy.

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In the US ... Wes and Dean might make a claim for a few million dollars and sue Hibs and the SFA for not keeping the fans in check. The sight of a few thousand people haring down at you left a horrible impression on their souls which will haunt them for all their lifes! I take it some greedy lawyers would push that through ...


In Scotland, the chap was a bit "too joyous", will get "a footballing ban" (ouch!) and may get his marching orders from the university. That will leave HIM a nerveous wreck and a poor sod for the rest of his life. So the taxpayer will pay for his rehabilitation too ...


Well, maybe.

Edited by der Berliner
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The procurator fiscal depute Kathleen O’Donnell told the court that Binnie had no previous convictions and said she would be asking for a football banning order to be imposed on him.


He f*&king has now not that'll make a jot of difference if hes found guilty.

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