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Leigh Griffiths won’t face trial over offensive tweet during online spat

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Not that I am in the Leigh Griffiths fan club, but is there not something sinister about potentially facing six months behind bars for making 'offensive' comments online?

Depends on tbe comments. I would say its fine for a maximum sentance.


If anything a bit low.


Its about how its used i guess.



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You make an important point, however, which is what rhetoric was designed for, after all. We sang after a game in Spain when we were the only ones in the stadium. Idiotically footage of this was uploaded and the club was castigated, ridiculed, once again held up as bigots in press across the UK and landed up in hot water with UEFA.


Double standards, yes - but we know those standards are always in play. If we do the same again then the same will happen. It always has and it always will. You'd think it'd be easy to learn.


"And even if, would they care whether some fainting soul that has no interest in Rangers yet watches the game in some remote place in Scotland - Yahoo shirt on and pen in hand - is being disgusted and annoyed?"


Enough yahoos would pretend to be offended, and the yahoo press would run with it and we'd end up in trouble and shame again.


I almost feel like changing "would" to "will" in that last sentence :(


The media is full of anti-Rangers stuff all week, for weeks and years - some warranted, but most of it not. When, at the same time, Scum shame is swept under the carpet by lorry loads. To this day they attempt to mar us with the pitch invasion at Hampden, or the carnage wrought at the Scumhut, putting damaged toilets alongside hanged effigies. They would look the rather sad lot they are if someone comments on songs being aired a thousand miles away at a friendly that does not concern themselves. And if the media took that up, so what? The first thing ANYONE should ask the media people in response is: what about the terrorist songs being aired when the Scumh had friendlies in England, pitch invasions included? Songs where they were asking where Sergeant Rigby has his head. Where were their unbiased and impartial reporting?


What next? Will they go into a Protestant church and get offended by the wrong and insulting use of the Bible?


They are fantasists and should be treated as such.

Edited by der Berliner
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