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C****c receive £20m bid from West Ham for Moussa Dembele

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Not really...they spend a lot of money for a Scottish club, and would be unable to afford the wages of expensive players. Which fees are wrong? Surely it's all in the accounts.


Transfer fees aren't normally paid up front. As an example if a player joined a club for say £12m & signed say a 3 year contract the selling club, for example, would get 3 times £4m paid at the start of each year of contract if the player remains with his new club.


The risk will be if the players leaves during the contract. The original selling club might have to forfeit monies due for the remainder of the contract but could have had sell on clauses added in. All depends on the contract.


But the selling club will almost certainly not get the full amount up front although this may well appear in its accounts

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Methinks Bluedell (?) unraveled the Celtic business modell ... all just to get an idea how they currently "excel" ...


Celtic PLC is the parent company - it owns all the assets, holds the memberships and licences. It was formed in 1897. It owns Celtic FC Limited (formerly HMS (402) Ltd - formed in 2001). Celtic FC Limited pays the wages, takes in all the money and is essentially the day-to-day operator of the Club.


Celtic FC Limited doesn't own any of the assets.


So, essentially, Celtic PLC owns the players, but they're paid by Celtic FC Limited.


The Celtic Football and Athletic Company Ltd (Pacific Shelf 595 Ltd - formed in 1994) is owned by Celtic FC Limited, who are, as previously stated, owned by Celtic PLC. It does nothing other than preserve the former name of Celtic PLC prior to public listing.


Celtic PLC (1897)




Celtic FC Ltd (2001)




The Celtic Football and Athletic Company Ltd (1994)



They are £9m in debt to a few of their shareholders. It pays around £500k in interest every year to Desmond and a couple of others.


CELTIC PLC Credit Report



Celic FC Ltd.



For comparison, 2013:


CELTIC PLC [2011, collected May 2012]

Cash at Bank : £8,198,000 [10,818,000]

Net Worth : £25,345,000 [29,639,000]

Total Current Assets : £15,339,000 [18,905,000]

Total Current Liabilities : £28,290,000 [28,075,000]



CELTIC F.C. LIMITED [2011, collected May 2012]


Cash at Bank : £880,000 [116,000]

Net Worth : £-31,657,000 [-23,576,000]

Total Current Assets : £5,984,000 [5,487,000]

Total Current Liabilities : £37,520,000 [28,921,000 ]


Celtic F.c. Limited's risk score was amended on 06/06/2013


Our business gurus may figure the rest out ;-)

Edited by der Berliner
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