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The end of the beginning: Rangers v Celtic

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Our old teacher used to write at the bottom of my mid term report , must do better .


I usually one of them after my attempts at a preview lol. Great piece Frankie and a very Happy New Year to all too.

Let's get in about them tomorrow!! Let them know they have been in a battle!.

I have just put £1 on at 200/1 Halliday fgs and 3-1 Bears!

Might put a lottery on too......

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Still can't understand why Fod hasn't been brought to task for his passing in ST. Johnstone,admittedly Kiernan should have done beetter,but it was a loose pass from the keeper who done the same thing not much later so he must shoulder some of the blame.

Have forecast a 2-2 draw but more in hope than reality.

To all previewers well done.

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Thanks Frankie, for that good preview.


I fear that this is wildly optimistic though: "Surely 2017 will be better?" given that the first things you mention as being rotten in 2016 all start to bear their bitter fruit next year.


Still, if ever there was a weekend to be 'wildly optimistic' then this is it. We need all of our players to be 100%, no silly errors (even when we won the cup semi by playing brilliantly, Roberts missed an open goal) and them to have a total off day as, by all reports and by results, they are a far better team than they were last season. Such things can and do happen.

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Vital MW and DW get their formation & tactics right for tomorrow.


I'd go for 4-5-1 with Garner up front on his own. I don't think Miller can play that role as he concedes possession too easily.


It's imperative we don't allow them space in MF hence the 5

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I will be happy if our players turn up, fight for every ball until the very end!.


Yes, that is a must. Perhaps with them being so far ahead they'll take their eye of the ball and not be as committed as we are.

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I'd play Michael O'Hallaran up top and hit them on the counter. His pace in behind would cause them problems and could be a great get out. That'll never happen though


I don't think O'Hallorann would cause them problems at all. Sure, his pace would allow us to get in behind them but what would he do once he has the ball ? He can't shoot and his delivery into the box is awful.


Having pace and getting in behind is one thing but when you don't know what to do with it then you aren't causing too many problems.

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JHoe the bigot spews his bile:



I and President John Andrews have attended two meeting with the Police in recent weeks, there were a couple of things on the agenda, but as you can imagine tomorrow’s game was high on the agenda. Below are the main points that concern our support. These are the areas Police Scotland will be looking at, as pointed out to the Celtic Officials in the pre-match brief.




• Coach Parking will be on Helen St

• Car Parking is on street but is advised not park anywhere close to the Stadium and approach from the West

• Flags on sticks will be permitted but only by individuals and will not be allowed in batches

• Regulation building site hard hats will not be permitted as they could cause injury if thrown

• Drums will not be permitted

• Bags will be searched

• Banners will be subject to inspection prior to entry

• Surfing banners will not be permitted

• We understand there will be 1 minute silence pre-match and ask all fans in the Stadium at that time to observe. The Club also asks that no banners or messages are displayed during the period

• Any damage to the Stadium will be met by Celtic, we will inspect Stadium post-match.


Most of the above is standard, equally Police Scotland will be out in force and have advised they will take a zero tolerance approach to all forms of offensive behaviour.


From the Club’s perspective the match is a perfect opportunity to have a celebration, underline that we are the dominant force in Scottish Football, as always we are asking all fans for positive support for the team in song and in colour with flags, scarves and banners which positively promote Celtic.


One thing I think is blatantly obvious is that the club called Sevco are trying to set a Trap for our supporters to walk into, there are a few things that have happened in the last few days that prove that, some of them I’m sure you will hear about later on.


Once again we will have a minutes silence, I have no problem with people paying their respect to those who needlessly lost their lives in the Ibrox Disaster, but I am suspicious of the motive behind it, why hasn’t Sevco officially announced the Minutes Silence? Are they hoping to catch the Celtic Support out? There was once a club in Scotland who refused to take part in a Minutes Silence for Pope John Paul 11, that particular club died four and half years ago,


A Sevco Director was on their own TV channel and apparently finished his piece by saying “We Are the People, Bring on the Celtic” Could you imaging the reaction from this shower if Peter Lawwell made comments of a similar nature? Is the idiot trying to wind up his own supporters because they have failed to back their manager financially? And because they fear we batter them at football.


We are being set-up here, I urge the Celtic Support not to fall into the trap. If you look at the statement put out by Club 1872, who were formed in 2016, strange that. They are urging the Police to take action against the Celtic Support, did they urge the Police to take action against the Bigots who wrecked the toilets at Celtic Park? I believe we are still awaiting payment for the extensive damage done.


They are also moaning about the banners displayed by the Celtic Supporters, of course their offensive banners were fine, “Hypocritical” just doesn’t do it justice. I have never seen toilets being damaged at the Bigot Dome, let’s keep it that way, you will note that Celtic officials will be able to inspect the stadium post-match, why are they not inspecting the stadium pre-match? Are they being denied the opportunity?


The Celtic Support have a brilliant extensive song repertoire, let us sing our hearts out tomorrow with the songs that cannot be questioned, the other crowd only have songs of a sectarian bigoted nature, let them get on with it.


A note to buses with regards to alcohol, the Police say they will act on intelligence with regard to searching buses for contraband. Be aware that they have the power and authority to search your bus even when only the bus driver is present.


I never look forward to going to Ibrox, mostly because of the behaviour of their supporters. Tomorrow is no different, I just hope that we play the way we are capable of playing. I also hope, though I am not confident, that the official’s let us finish the match with eleven players on the park, and that there are no controversial incidents, because they always seem to go against us.


I just want the Celtic Supporters to go and have a Party, singing and dancing all afternoon, let us win the competition off the pitch, and for Brendan and the Bhoys to win the competition on the pitch. Glasgow is Green and White. 129 years of Proud Unbroken History.

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