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Callum Paterson Out For Nine Months

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I didn't think I'd have to confirm this, but my post was a light-hearted reference to Rangers' track record of signing crocks.


I am sorry for the player. His livelihood is in jeopardy. Believe it or not, I'm sorry for Hearts. They've lost both a playing and a business asset.

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That's exactly what you said. I didn't insert it; you did and you did so in the context of Paterson's injury.


Which was me being facetious after you took the strange view of my original comment which had zero mention of rejoicing about anything.

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Let's go through this again;


I will continue happily rejoicing in the weakening of any opposition team.


I did NOT rejoice over the injury of a player OR the weakening of Hearts. Again that was just you inserting it in there. I simply stated that they were weakened and NOTHING else. In fact this is exactly what I said.


No you didn't simply say they were weakened, you said you were "happily rejoicing" in them being weakened.


Which was me being facetious after you took the strange view of my original comment which had zero mention of rejoicing about anything.




Why not just standby what you said, if you're rejoicing in the fact that Hearts are weakened by a serious injury to a young man who you see as a possible Rangers player of the future, then you are entitled to your opinion; nauseating as it will be to most right thinking supporters.


Personally I would rather our opponents are at full strength, so that when we beat them they have no excuses.

Edited by BrahimHemdani
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That's exactly what you said. I didn't insert it; you did and you did so in the context of Paterson's injury.


The only problem with your statement above BH is that you are completely wrong.


Go read what JFK typed again and then come back and point out where he was actually rejoicing in either the injury or the weakening of Hearts. The issue you will have is that you cant, at least not unless you insert your own supposition, which is exactly what JFK called you on.


He stated facts, no more and no less. You certainly can try to infer that there was a "rejoicing" but that is what would be needed, inference.


If you take the words as posted there is NO rejoicing, simply a statement of fact that hears are now weakened and a statement of (probable) fact that nobody will now offer them the 7 figures they coveted for the lad.


Simply..... you are wrong

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Let's go through this again;






No you didn't simply say they were weakened, you said you were "happily rejoicing" in them being weakened.






Why not just standby what you said, if you're rejoicing in the fact that Hearts are weakened by a serious injury to a young man who you see as a possible Rangers player of the future, then you are entitled to your opinion; nauseating as it will be to most right thinking supporters.


Personally I would rather our opponents are at full strength, so that when we beat them they have no excuses.


That's just revisionism BH. JFK's statement of rejoicing was in response to you accusing him of that - absolutely nothing to do with his original statement. You accused him of rejoicing and he facetiously responded in the affirmative.


If you are going to accuse posters of something at least get the chronology and facts straight so that you debate from a position of strength.


Indeed, it tells its own story when you omit the original post as it doesn't fit your narrative.


His original post said absolutely nothing about rejoicing in the players injury. You are being incredibly disingenuous.

Edited by craig
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A pity for the player, indeed.


However the Scottish media have gone completely overboard about this, to the extent that one might assume that the boy is the only young footballer ever to suffer a serious injury.


I do not know how good a player Paterson is, but I seem to recall that MacKay, B., ripped him a new one in the Hertz game at Ibrox, and that his only remedy was to rather violently foul our lad.

Edited by Uilleam
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