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Police warning for tonight

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is it against the law to have a flare on you when out and about?


I know its illegal to enter a sporting ground with one but cant see how the dwindling police budget is being wisely spent sending officers round pubs looking for people who are legally carrying flares, which they can do nothing about if they magically see one. Are these searches even legal? Is it not discrimination to pick on a group and search them based on nothing more than police prejudice. Who decides who looks like a flare carrier?


all in all pretty embarrassing behaviour all round. No wonder police Scotland are turning a blind eye to so many crimes and are penniless, they have the great flare operation to focus on.

Edited by trublusince1982
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Cash-strapped Plod Scotland do have strange priorities do they not?


they're an absolute shambles


can't or won't attend the scene of a road traffic accident but can find time money and wherewithal to harass paople enjoying a drink in a bar or pulling over supporter buses on the way to the ,atch

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There is no point going into pubs looking for flares, the average age of a flare-carrying numpty is about 14, so none of them will be in the pubs.


Idiots - that can be used for both plod and anyone carrying/using flares at football.


Methinks this was just another negative Rangers story to add to the countless others our papers like to fill their empty pages with, or similar with our Scottish tv news stations.

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