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Andy Goram

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A wee bird tells me the bold Andy went into a pub in Pamplona where 2 members of the press were inebriated and indulging in a bit of sectarian singing.



One of these was responsible for some pretty uncomplimantary reports about Gorams alleged sectarianism in the past. (armbands etc).



Without saying a word Andy approached them and taught them a wee lesson.



Allegedly. :thup:

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Slighty off topic, but was speaking with a guy I know who is friendly with a member of the Spanish press in Pamplona. When they were discussing the Scottish Medias reporting the Spanish guy couldn't believe the over-hype that it was given. He basically said that the Rangers fans were great, loud, but dencent and that the Spanish Police has a history of wading in to travelling supports.


Anyway, he also said that there was a worse incident at the weekend when Osasuna played Athletico Bilboa (sp) - the Athletico fans attacked the Osasuna team bus and tried to over-turn it, smashing windows etc.


Cammy F

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Guest Bluetooth

"Anyway, he also said that there was a worse incident at the weekend when Osasuna played Athletico Bilboa (sp) - the Athletico fans attacked the Osasuna team bus and tried to over-turn it, smashing windows etc."



The difference being hordes of Osasuna fans probably didnt bombard UEFA with e-mails in 'mock indignation' like the tims do to us.

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