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Latest mad Phil blog debunked by Jas Boyd

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A whole lot funnier than blow up dolls depicting OO and RFC fan executions.


awa' an' bile yer heid

a hard hat's got fuck all to do with some bam with blow up dolls

actually it's the tims taking the pish

have you no sense of humour

We take the pish out them and they take the pish out us.....life would be dull without it.....lighten up

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awa' an' bile yer heid

a hard hat's got fuck all to do with some bam with blow up dolls

actually it's the tims taking the pish

have you no sense of humour

We take the pish out them and they take the pish out us.....life would be dull without it.....lighten up


When we give it to them the usual suspects crawl out from beneath their rocks & get offended.

But these cretins seem to think it's Ok for them to give it to us

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awa' an' bile yer heid

a hard hat's got fuck all to do with some bam with blow up dolls

actually it's the tims taking the pish

have you no sense of humour

We take the pish out them and they take the pish out us.....life would be dull without it.....lighten up


WTF are you on about ? I never said that either had anything to do with the other.


You think the hanging effigies were funny ?? Your choice but don't tell me to "away and bile my heid" because I refuse to see the funny side of it or agree with your view.


Do I think the hard hat thing is funny ? Yes. But like all Tim joke attempts they are only 15 yrs behind us.... seeing as we played this one on them in 2000


You are being a choob. Your prerogative though.

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WTF are you on about ? I never said that either had anything to do with the other.


You think the hanging effigies were funny ?? Your choice but don't tell me to "away and bile my heid" because I refuse to see the funny side of it or agree with your view.


Do I think the hard hat thing is funny ? Yes. But like all Tim joke attempts they are only 15 yrs behind us.... seeing as we played this one on them in 2000


You are being a choob. Your prerogative though.


Totally agree, there is no comparison between the hard hat joke which is actual humour and hanging effigies which even plod Scotland agreed with and arrested the offenders. Seems they didn't get the joke either.

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  • 1 month later...

The utter fool that is JJ gets crazier and crazier ---

" I’m writing this article in exile. The death threats against me are real. Those who believe that they know my identity will continue to throw darts at what they perceive to be my image. A paramilitary style attack was planned to blind me with acid and amputate my fingers so as to rule out brail. "



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The utter fool that is JJ gets crazier and crazier ---

" I’m writing this article in exile. The death threats against me are real. Those who believe that they know my identity will continue to throw darts at what they perceive to be my image. A paramilitary style attack was planned to blind me with acid and amputate my fingers so as to rule out brail. "




Lol, what a load of nonsense.

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The utter fool that is JJ gets crazier and crazier ---

" I’m writing this article in exile. The death threats against me are real. Those who believe that they know my identity will continue to throw darts at what they perceive to be my image. A paramilitary style attack was planned to blind me with acid and amputate my fingers so as to rule out brail. "





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The guy is a hilarious grade A loony.


Hee hee heee ! Not only does he know that a paramilitary attack was planned, he also knows what they were going to do to him. :roflmao:

I wonder if he reported it to the police .

I think we know the answer to that one. :razz:

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