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Personally I don't think he is biased he is just not fit for the cause. There may be worse refeee's in football but that is alarming more than consoling.


I don't watch a lot of football outwith Rangers however the standard of refereeing I witness is appalling!,and they answer to nobody!

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This is what we have been up against for more than one season a totally wrong decision,shoulder to shoulder then a tangle of legs,no foul either way play should have gone on.

No wonder managers/players/fans get outraged.

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It should have been a free kick for a foul on the defender because it wasn't a fair shoulder charge it was a charge in the back.


Even if it wasn't a foul on the defender, it is not a foul by the defender because it was not a deliberate act. He was face down on the ground at the time the player went over his legs.


Craig Thomson and Willie Collum are highly regarded in Europe but both keep making blunders so that their careers at elite level may be in jeopardy.

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