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Seven ways I disagree with Warburton's footballing philosophy

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BTW I can show a lot of games where McCoist played players who fit into that category - doesn't mean I'm defending him, just a fact about a manager you don't rate. But because you won't like it, you'll be assuming I'm defending him to the hilt... :rolleyes:

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I agree they are related and alluded to that. But they are still distinct and I'm able to explain each one individually without much repetition.


I think saying we tried something once and it didn't work isn't a good point. Changing tactics requires coaching and practice, not a half-baked change in the middle of a match. But maybe you're just being contrary.


Who was the youth? I've checked the line up just in case I missed something but, nope...


Which player who joined as 18 or less, and that Warburton gave a first team debut to, played in the game?


Ah, I see you want to argue semantics. I can't really imagine a description of youth development that would apply to any of the players here. I think you're just being contrary.

I think you might want to give him some time on this given how young your cutting off youth.



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BTW I can show a lot of games where McCoist played players who fit into that category - doesn't mean I'm defending him, just a fact about a manager you don't rate. But because you won't like it, you'll be assuming I'm defending him to the hilt... :rolleyes:

Course you can. He's your boy




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Just for clarification, what Gunslinger is doing is an example of "trolling".


"In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll's amusement."

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Just for clarification, what Gunslinger is doing is an example of "trolling".


"In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll's amusement."

Oh it's you who trolls. I'm just giving it due respect .


Well the correct level it deserves.


So to clarify. Mckay. Dodoo forrester don't count as youths. Maybe Warburton has a different idea on developing youth.





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Oh it's you who trolls. I'm just giving it due respect .


I refer you and some others to your posts and the definition given. YOU are the troll - you've come on made up and repeated a lie, just to spoil a thread you don't like. Trolls like you often call other people trolls to deflect their inadequacies when trolling. What trolls don't do, which I do, is painstakingly explain and logically debate all their opinions.


Trolls don't like people like me...


So to clarify. Mckay. Dodoo forrester don't count as youths. Maybe Warburton has a different idea on developing youth.


None of them are under 21. None of them were given a first team debut by Warburton.


Warburton definitely has shown different ideas about developing youth from most people - especially Ally's and Walter's critics. But like I said, maybe he thinks none are good enough - but unless he tells us that, we can only see who he plays.

Edited by calscot
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The manager identified Midfield as an area that needed strengthened.


Barton - out

Kranjcar - out

Rossiter - out

Windass - out

Crooks - just back


He has had no luck with signings this year.


That's true, but it doesn't explain his philosophies. Maybe you agree with them and that's fine, but I don't.


Can I also point out that when McCoist had injuries, his training methods were blamed. The lack of injuries last year was touted as evidence of better training and fitness, so what happened?


When McCoist falls out with a player he is also blamed - so what about the Barton debacle?


Again, I think McCoist is not a good manager (why do I have to keep saying that?), but I think all the managers should be judged on equal terms (and what is wrong with that?).


All clubs have injuries and pick squads to cope, our manager has had much more money for players than the rest of the league, so to me it's not an excuse that over-rides the philosophies I disagree with.

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Think I said 18 which gives him lots of scope. McCoist did it, Walter did it, McLeish did it. Why not Warburton? It's been a year and a half.


You might disagree but there is obviously something to discuss.

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