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Breaking News in the Record

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I wonder if aforementioned Companies read the Record.


can you say any more


the board really should have leaked all the corruption.


abroad to someone to publish if need be.

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See these Bears who back up Ashley and the Easdales, do they ever give their rationale i.e. what good they are doing for Rangers? Genuine question.


As regards why a billionaire would bother with this, in my experience multi-millionaires and billionaires (I wouldn't even know how to spend a billion in a lifetime), no matter how rich, are always on the look out for that next million. It's like an addiction. I saw an advert for David Beckham's H&M clothing range the other day and my first thought was, 'why does he even bother, with all the millions he's already got in the bank?' It's not like he'll ever need the cash.

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Business's need to keep making a profit to keep going. I have no problem with that. Normally that is healthy as it keeps people in work. Beckum is now a company and he is probably only a figurehead. I can understand he wants to see his company grow. This though is not normal business deals. This is surely corruption? I always thought there were laws in place to protect companies from this kind of swindling. Obviously not or the board would have had these people in court 18 months ago.


I can understand that the market value is very flexible and a company will try and get the best deal possible but surely the price has to be proportionate to the market value?

Edited by pete
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'See these Bears who back up Ashley and the Easdales, do they ever give their rationale i.e. what good they are doing for Rangers? Genuine question.'




They hate certain people and Groups more than they love Rangers.

Edited by chilledbear
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I have not seen the lease, but my 1st thought is that the premises are not on a public road, and, thus, require access across land which is not owned by

the leaseholder, nor is under his control. It's possible, given the apparent haste with which the deed was done, that Ashley has no right of access, save by implicit implication, and, ahem, "common sense". Room for manoeuvre?


Clutching at straws, I shouldn't wonder.

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I have not seen the lease, but my 1st thought is that the premises are not on a public road, and, thus, require access across land which is not owned by

the leaseholder, nor is under his control. It's possible, given the apparent haste with which the deed was done, that Ashley has no right of access, save by implicit implication, and, ahem, "common sense". Room for manoeuvre?


Clutching at straws, I shouldn't wonder.


I'd imagine all such stuff will be covered in the contract unfortunately.


As much as it's indecently unfavourable to us, that doesn't mean it's illegal or can be annulled. :(

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(1) A director of a company must act in the way he considers, in good faith, would be most likely to promote the success of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole, and in doing so have regard (amongst other matters) to—


(a) the likely consequences of any decision in the long term,


Somers should go to jail for that deal and be banned from being a director for a long time.

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