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The SFA Has To Respond To Allegations Of Impropriety Concerning The Issue...

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It seems rather clear that papers will carry stories of this kind simply due to the fact that it is a small country (not least the West of Scotland) with a hard-fought media market, where every bit of info needs to be sold. And if nothing else is at hand (or unwanted), this rubbish will see the light of day. And some other hacks will follow suit ...

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Quote Originally Posted by pete View Post

From what i have been reading they also showed their "Anyone but Septic" film yesterday at the piggery. Even a couple of Septic supporters said it was embarrassing.



Yip. I wonder if the SFA will get involved with the fact they are openly showing films encouraging fans to think they were cheated by Scottish Football in some grand conspiracy? I'm guessing not.


The next step.:D



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Quote Originally Posted by pete View Post

From what i have been reading they also showed their "Anyone but Septic" film yesterday at the piggery. Even a couple of Septic supporters said it was embarrassing.





The next step.:D




I suspect a David Icke follower. No doubt some of those refs are lizard people.

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Thon Willie Collum looks most reptilian, right enough.


Yeah but to make it all the worse for the obsessed they're no doubt largely or even entirely proddy reptilians. A good kafflick can't a break from the Illuminati and their reptilian secret agents.

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Quote Originally Posted by pete View Post

From what i have been reading they also showed their "Anyone but Septic" film yesterday at the piggery. Even a couple of Septic supporters said it was embarrassing.





The next step.:D




Quote Originally Posted by pete View Post

From what i have been reading they also showed their "Anyone but Septic" film yesterday at the piggery. Even a couple of Septic supporters said it was embarrassing.


Unbelievable. You would think that it was Celtic that were demoted to the third division, spent 4 years in limbo because of a not-yet-proven-illegal tax scheme and we're sitting below their rivals in the league. What are they demanding? Is it not fair that they're not 30 points clear? Have these referees also infiltrated the European game and that's why they're sitting bottom of the

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Quote Originally Posted by pete View Post

From what i have been reading they also showed their "Anyone but Septic" film yesterday at the piggery. Even a couple of Septic supporters said it was embarrassing.


Unbelievable. You would think that it was Celtic that were demoted to the third division, spent 4 years in limbo because of a not-yet-proven-illegal tax scheme and we're sitting below their rivals in the league. What are they demanding? Is it not fair that they're not 30 points clear? Have these referees also infiltrated the European game and that's why they're sitting bottom of the


We didn't spend 4 years in limbo because of a not-yet-proven-illegal tax scheme

We spent 4 years in limbo because of CraigWhyte

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