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We should never again stoop so low.


Was El Hadj Diouff ok then ?


I'm not judging Barton as a person. I'm judging him what I saw in a Rangers jersey and my conclusion was he's well past his best & not what we need right now. When he played against the yahoos he was like a rabbit caught in the headlights.


Who decided to give a player just short of his 34th birthday a 2 year contract with the option of a 3rd ? Total madness

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Was El Hadj Diouff ok then ?


I'm not judging Barton as a person. I'm judging him what I saw in a Rangers jersey and my conclusion was he's well past his best & not what we need right now. When he played against the yahoos he was like a rabbit caught in the headlights.


Who decided to give a player just short of his 34th birthday a 2 year contract with the option of a 3rd ? Total madness

Oh my did I hate that signing. But he wasn't as bad as Barton. In a moral sense.


But we shouldn't touch players like him either.

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Goodbye to bad rubbish he might think he is a hard man on the field and obviously in training.If any of us had an arguement with a work colleague and then berated the boss the same outcome would have come even if was through disciplinary levels/procedures.

He did not show himself to be someone whom younger players should be learning from.


Not always true if the boss is in the wrong. i called my boss a foul filthy liar once but he didn't dare report me because I was right and I had trapped him with witnesses. I was stupid enough not to report him and he made my life hell after that. I will also not back down from a boss if i think I am right.

Mostly though it is better in a company to roll with the waves and not keep causing friction.

I am normally good with bosses but i have had a few that could drink my blood. A boss can make your life a hell.

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If it's true that the manager never wanted him which he may have made apparent to Barton then there is every chance this was always on the cards with such a volatile character.


Warburton was conspicuous by his absence when Barton signed in a high profile move in the summer, as speculation swept the city that the player was a board selection, designed to sell season tickets, rather than a decision from Warburton’s football department.


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If it's true that the manager never wanted him which he may have made apparent to Barton then there is every chance this was always on the cards with such a volatile character.



JFK-1 ... you sure don't cite scotzine as a source for any sort of genuine information? Ill Phil might spout some rubbish, but his hatred of us pales in comparison to Muirhead and his lot.

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i was being kind


Wonder if you'd tell him that into his face then. Anyway, the disrespect shown to him by those who simply don't like him (probably just 80% the person rather than the player) is beyond joke now. Not least since essentially nothing of all this affair is actually known to the public.


On the field of play he did not play any better or worse than the people around him.

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JFK-1 ... you sure don't cite scotzine as a source for any sort of genuine information? Ill Phil might spout some rubbish, but his hatred of us pales in comparison to Muirhead and his lot.


I don't know anything about it. Saw it on a PNE forum talking about Barton leaving Rangers.

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I can only agree and say that I feel that Burton has not been 100% honestly treated. I get the feeling that this is a story of two men with two blown up ego's who won't stand down. I have just watched a programme about arguing neighbours that won't talk to each other and are actually now teasing each other. that is the feeling I have. I don't think Warburton is the easiest person in the world if you fall out with him.


Based on what ? Your perception ?


Interesting then that almost every former player that was spoken to when he came to the Club said he was great to work for...

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