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He's not about money, I think he would agree a contract termination for nothing or at worst a lot less than the value of the remainder of his contract. Chances are he already has alternative offers worth at least as much or even more than his Rangers contract.

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He's not about money, I think he would agree a contract termination for nothing or at worst a lot less than the value of the remainder of his contract. Chances are he already has alternative offers worth at least as much or even more than his Rangers contract.


Doubt that somehow.

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Now now ... he's a cretin by now? That's a dip in Gersnet standards.


Not by now, no. By a long time ago. Unless, that is, he has mental health issues in which case I would have sympathy for his otherwise unforgivable behaviour over many years.


Some of which is recounted in here:



Edited by SteveC
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why are you constantly defending this cretin?


Because he wants to win. We need a player like him - we are far too nicey nice.


A poster in the know on FF has stated that he never said anything that many players weren't thinking.


If Walter Smith was in charge he would have been put through hell in training for a week then back in the team.


This has been a shambles from start to finish.

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