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Lord Drummond Young to deliver address on Rangers case

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4:30pm (registration), 5pm start

Thursday 17th November 2016

Laigh Hall, Parliament House, Edinburgh


The Edinburgh Tax Network, in conjunction with Terra Firma Chambers, will present an Address by the Rt. Hon. Lord Drummond Young entitled “The Rangers Case: HMRC v Murray Group Holdings – Substance and form – the triumph of reality over language?” on Thursday 17th November 2016.


Lord Drummond Young handed down the leading judgments in Aberdeen Asset Management and in Murray Group Holdings (“Rangers”). The Rangers case is on its way to the UK Supreme Court. It is rare – and so refreshing – to find a Judge willing to discuss so important a case under appeal. Together, they represent the greater part of Scotland’s contribution to the UK – and international – response to avoidance. They build on the foundations laid in Ramsay doctrine as elaborated in Arrowtown and Barclays Mercantile and consolidated in UBS v R&CC.


The event will take place in the Laigh Hall, Parliament House, Edinburgh. Registration will commence at 4.30pm with the talk starting at 5pm. Drinks and canapés will be served from 6pm. The address has been accredited by the Faculty of Advocates as contributing 1 hour CPD for its own members and is eligible for a similar award from the Law Society for the solicitor branch of the profession.


There is a charge of £25 per person for attendance at this event. It is, however, free to members of the Edinburgh Tax Network constituent bodies. For full details, please visit http://www.terrafirmachambers.com/seminars.html.



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Only in a totally deluded country could a judge make a decision based on "reality" rather than common law or the stated cases which the law in Scotland has always been based, have the decision appealed, and go out selling tickets at 25 quid a pop to even more deluded and obsessed toerags before the final decision is reached.

What's the betting JJ, Brennan, the tarred one and the rest of those earning a living writing about Rangers carry him around the room shoulder-high at the end of the evening ?

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