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Resolution 12 update

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The guys running this agenda really did take the sellik support for mugs. They used doctored information to have some closet expert express an opinion. Once he'd spoken they set up donate buttons all over the internet and the deluded fell for it. Well in excess, and nobody knows just how far of £11,000 was collected. They spent 5 grand, at the end of which they produced a few lines from an obviously doctored letter from UEFA. There was a promise to publish the letter in full. Meanwhile of course, the donate buttons and t-shirt sales continued.

Months later and there has been no sign of the letter nor any information of where all the mugs giro money was spent.

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The guys running this agenda really did take the sellik support for mugs


I think being a mug was a prerequisite to taking this utter nonsense as anything other than absurd in any way shape or form.

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I have missed this one I'm afraid. I do t take much notice of them at all, however this could be interesting. Has anyone got a link to a thread or can give a brief summary?


Basically one of the usual manks half-read UEFA legislation and came to the conclusion that the SFA should not have granted Rangers a licence to play in Europe last time we were there. They complained to the SFA who said everything had been fine at the time the licence was issued. The circumstances were then twisted and edited, sent to an expert who, unaware he'd not been fed all the facts, gave an opinion that the licence should not have been granted. The mank support then put forward a resolution [12] at their clubs agm. The club looked at it, saw the faults, but sent a letter to UEFA .

At this point the hoovering up of mugs money began. Those in charge of the money said there would be 2 adverts placed, one in a Swiss paper and one in the Grauniad in England. The Swiss one went ahead but the Guardian refused.

At this point those planning holidays or to have their houses redecorated said they'd received a reply from UEFA. Supposed extracts were published online. The full letter has never been seen. The extract gave then the bums rush saying that as Rangers had folded there was no point in looking into the matter as Rangers were banned from playing in Euro competition for at least 3 years anyhow. There was a line where the guy replying referred to Rangers "new club/company". Naturally this has been seized upon as UEFA saying we are not the same club. That kept their petty minds distracted on another feeding frenzy about a new club.

Where the money has gone or when the UEFA letter will be fully published hasn't been explained yet.

They were told by the more knowledgeable Rangers fans right at the start about the jiggery-pokery going on but continued to collect money anyhow. Even their expert backed down when presented with the FULL facts.

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They've had a wee meltdown on their site now saying that "the whole of Scottish football should stand up to the corruption".


It really is massively hilarious stuff. It is the way they speak as if they are speaking for everyone in the world that makes it so funny. They really are so deluded. From what I'm reading now is that the full letter (which they've finally released) doesn't actually say that Rangers are a new club?

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They've had a wee meltdown on their site now saying that "the whole of Scottish football should stand up to the corruption".


It really is massively hilarious stuff. It is the way they speak as if they are speaking for everyone in the world that makes it so funny. They really are so deluded. From what I'm reading now is that the full letter (which they've finally released) doesn't actually say that Rangers are a new club?


Now then!,what about this http://www.gersnetonline.co.uk/vb/showthread.php?81443-Ingenious-Media-wins-case-against-HMRC&p=652340#post652340, now if Rangers FC were to go down this route,it would be a meltdown like never before!

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