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Wee Boy Bottled Outside Of The Stadium

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Do they have a penchant for attacking minors? Not the first time a child has been attacked with a bottle.


Shall this get the same attention as the assault on the toilets?


As for the game, I missed it due to family reasons however from the stats it looks like we were lucky to escape with a 1-0 loss. I have partially written off this season anyway as a stepping stone to something better - I keep reminding myself that this is our first season back up.

Edited by StuGers
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Do they have a penchant for attacking minors? Not the first time a child has been attacked with a bottle.


Shall this get the same attention as the assault on the toilets?


As for the game, I missed it due to family reasons however from the stats it looks like we were lucky to escape with a 1-0 loss. I have partially written off this season anyway as a stepping stone to something better - I keep reminding myself that this is our first season back up.


Doubt the courageous journalists will mention it.

Edited by scotjo
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Let's be honest, some Rangers fans are no angels.


But this sort of sh*t is perpetrated by animals who will continue to carry out such acts with no repercussion thanks to the sinister appeasement of the powers that be in today's Scotland. There will be nothing about this in tomorrow's press, and we all know why.


I hope the boy's ok, that would have traumatised me at that age.


Still, we did damage their toilets. And as one online Celtic fan said, Ryan Baird's death was of course karma for said damage.

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Let's be honest, some Rangers fans are no angels.


But this sort of sh*t is perpetrated by animals who will continue to carry out such acts with no repercussion thanks to the sinister appeasement of the powers that be in today's Scotland. There will be nothing about this in tomorrow's press, and we all know why.


I hope the boy's ok, that would have traumatised me at that age.


Still, we did damage their toilets. And as one online Celtic fan said, Ryan Baird's death was of course karma for said damage.


I didn't know some idiot had said that online NC. What a sad place we live in. Completely agree re the sinister element. That runs from the top in politics, through the police, into the media, spread to schools and trickles down into every section of Scottish society.

We are a second class marginalised section of Scottish society now, and it will only get worse imo.

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I didn't know some idiot had said that online NC. What a sad place we live in. Completely agree re the sinister element. That runs from the top in politics, through the police, into the media, spread to schools and trickles down into every section of Scottish society.

We are a second class marginalised section of Scottish society now, and it will only get worse imo.


Difficult to place a label on the kind of mentality that equates a broken toilet with bottled kids and death. I suspect they're so effectively insane they don't get the insanity.

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Yip, different breed. There is a page on Facebook called The Fitbaw Gospel which is a supposedly neutral page. Some of the comments on the story, from people who have their own name, freely available on it, ranges from "good" to "mini-Hun deserved it". The mass cover up is going into full force with the latest (and predictable) one of, "it was a Rangers fan that threw it trying to hit a Celtic fan and missed".

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