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MLS Shootouts over Penalties

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I didn't realise the MLS used to do shootouts instead of Penalties. A player runs from outside the area and must shoot outside the box but the keeper is allowed out.


It actually may make it more interesting than Penalties.


Pretty sure the top players would chip the keeper everytime but if the keeper stays on his line and the taker has to shoot from the edge of the box he has a better chance.



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I believe that had to quit that no draws nonsense to get any type of accreditation from FIFA. Americans will destroy any game given the chance. Look what they did to rugby. Turned it into a 4 hour stop start bore. I have actually been to an American 'football' game and you're constantly having to stand up to let someone out for hot dogs or something. There is no sense of continuity so they spend hours of it wandering back and forth to vendors which kills any atmosphere that might build.

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