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Celtic chief Peter Lawwell among club figures linked to £434million tax dodge

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This is a personal issue. I do hope it bankrupts the lot of them. In some cases bankrupts them again. However, it really isn't related to celtc other than their moral high ground is long gone.


How do you come to that conclusion? Celtic were obviously pushing the schemes when signing players How is that nothing to do with the club?

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How do you come to that conclusion? Celtic were obviously pushing the schemes when signing players How is that nothing to do with the club?


Because the individuals are still investing their own personal monies. The Club cannot force them into these schemes, they can only recommend them.

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Because the individuals are still investing their own personal monies. The Club cannot force them into these schemes, they can only recommend them.


The Rangers' players had choices too. The only difference I can see, is that the club was administratively involved in transferring their money from source into the EBTs.

Now if the C1888c players had their club do the same, i.e. pass the money directly to the various LLPs, then where is the difference to the Rangers' players?

Also, where does that leave the counter argument between both clubs' actions? That is, the players chose their tax instrument and the club facilitated their requests.

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If you check NewsNow Scum, you'll find dozens of news topics not related to this, but also the odd belter from some hardcore Yahoos, such as this:


For the Avoidance of Doubt – Setting the Record Straight


If you have been going about your daily rituals and have passed the newspaper stand on the way to work you will find a rather damning piece on CELTIC and TAX AVOIDANCE. Notice the caps because these are the two words the Daily Record want you and their readers to see married together this morning.


They want to paint a picture of how Celtic as a club (or company) depending on who you’re talking to were involved in some sort of tax evasion without actually uttering the words. We even get a Celtic starting XI of players and staff who have used the avoidance scheme further bringing the club itself into the mire when they could not be further from any wrong doing or evasive behaviour.


FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT, this is a piece about PERSONAL investments allegedly undertaken by the men the Record mention. Nowhere at any point was the club involved or used this as a way to further the squad’s cause, nor was it used to enhance the playing staff or have any bearing on anything to do with on-field matters. The “Record investigation” into all these Celtic players/staff seems to buck the trend into their usual antics when it comes to investigations, which some might say ‘are off the radar’. For the record, we would also like to say any single person deemed to be using an unlawful tax avoidance facility SHOULD be at the mercy of HMRC.


However, what’s even more surreal about today’s piece is that this was already brought up back in 2012, they’ve rehashed an old story. Having followed the SMSM circus for many years one of two things is happening – They are desperate to bring in any sort of readership to the point they have to sensationalise and distort the truth beyond all recognition or the latter and more likely, there’s a storm brewing somewhere else in Glasgow and this article is the start of the defensive. The peepel who don’t read past a salivating headline have their ammunition even if they’re ultimately carrying blanks. We sit and wait with our popcorn or jelly and ice cream if you’d prefer.




... at this website http://celtsarehere.com/for-the-avoidance-of-doubt-setting-the-record-straight/ ... where you can also by some shirts with the logo Tiocfaidh ár lá (Our day will come (united Ireland and suchlike))


Obviously, it is good to know that it is all just "individuals" concerned, not "the club" etc.. Whereas the big bad Rangers ...

Edited by der Berliner
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The obsessed usual suspects are out in force online swerving, ducking and diving to sweep this one away.

That fool and well known "Rangers supporter" :rolleyes: John James produces a blog so hateful and twisted that not even the most gullible sellik fan can ever again point to Ibrox affiliations to defend James garbage.

The only thing more sickening is their pathetic attempts to get votes for some online blogging award.

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