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Joey Barton - Is there a way back?

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And you can confirm that ? Why did he sign Rositter then who plays in the same position as Barton ? And we already had Halliday who can fill in that role too

Signing 30 year old plus players with no resale value makes no sense to me given where we are just now.

Last summer we got ourselves a manager whose background was bringing on young players. Made sense did it not ? Then we started signing the likes of Barton, Krancjar & Senderos in the summer. None have been great IMO.

I ask again did MW sign Barton ? And the others too?


Can you confirm it wasn't a MW signing? Who do you think it was who signed him?


What I remember at the time, MW signed him against certain Directors wishes, whether it was true who knows.

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People may not like him, perhaps never have. But the amount of effort spent on finding something against him (despite not exactly knowing what actually happened / a minor betting offence blown out of all proportions / some twitter hype not seen before in Scotland ... and blown out of all proportion by the hysterical media) and want to get rid of him is quite sad.

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Maybe I just don't understand your original post Pete. I took it as you saying he didn't need to abide by SFA rules. Am I wrong ? If so I agree.


I may not have put it right. I meant that in the SFA registration there will have to be a clause about following rules. I would also imagine that in the Rangers contract that there would need to be a clause about following SFA rules. I would think that if these clauses are not in it would be difficult to sack anyone without a reason that break any stated rules. Almost with everything it states you have to read the rules but hardly anyone does it as they are mostly endless pages of things a normal person can't understand anyway. Maybe that is what a players manager should be able to decipher and explain to the player what he is signing.

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Leaving the extended ban to the last minute seems to be a tactic aswell. The club could have done so earlier I would imagine but JB was obviously preparing to make his was back north as this came out.

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I may not have put it right. I meant that in the SFA registration there will have to be a clause about following rules. I would also imagine that in the Rangers contract that there would need to be a clause about following SFA rules. I would think that if these clauses are not in it would be difficult to sack anyone without a reason that break any stated rules. Almost with everything it states you have to read the rules but hardly anyone does it as they are mostly endless pages of things a normal person can't understand anyway. Maybe that is what a players manager should be able to decipher and explain to the player what he is signing.


I would say that is his agent's job.

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I'd be happier here if some of the speculation being taken to the extreme stopped, at least until we know the full story.

Not being a Warburton signing is something the manks with "contacts" have been pushing.

Disagreement between Warburton and King is another.

We made a mistake signing him and simply can't afford his wages is something they're still shoving.

The media and online "guys in the know" are going frantic despite having none of the facts.

The story will eventually appear and there's no reason for us to start criticising the manager, boardroom or anybody else until we are told.

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I'd be happier here if some of the speculation being taken to the extreme stopped, at least until we know the full story.

Not being a Warburton signing is something the manks with "contacts" have been pushing.

Disagreement between Warburton and King is another.

We made a mistake signing him and simply can't afford his wages is something they're still shoving.

The media and online "guys in the know" are going frantic despite having none of the facts.

The story will eventually appear and there's no reason for us to start criticising the manager, boardroom or anybody else until we are told.


Sooner rather than later they way Barton plays around with Twitter!!

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