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Club 1872 Elections - Gersnet Vote

Please select up to seven candidates ONLY  

204 members have voted

  1. 1. Please select up to seven candidates ONLY

    • Shane Nicholson
    • William Cowie
    • Alex Wilson
    • Joanne Percival
    • Laura Fawkes
    • Iain Leiper
    • Stevie Sinclair
    • Craig Houston
    • James Blair
    • Johnathan McGookin
    • Scott McCulloch
    • James Durrant
    • Kelly Johnstone
    • Brian Donohoe
    • Iain Martin

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  geoger64 said:
I think it is important to have a diverse range on the board. Every candidate has a unique selling point which will appeal to some but not others.

One of the main goals over the coming year will be to grow the membership. IMO a female on the board would be a selling point to many, similarly a disabled member and a Northern Irish member.


The biggest problem is the constant infighting and the 'he said/she said' nonsense. People have to let the past go and see the bigger picture of making Club 1872 successful.


What about an English member ? A Catholic member ? A muslim member ?


And therein lies the problem for me. The whole point of electing a Board is, or should be, about electing the individuals that will give the organization the best people possible to run it.


I understand the sentiment but I just don't agree that you elect a Board as a popularity contest. Whether the Board consists of 7 men, 7 women, 7 Asians, 7 blacks, 7 Caucasians etc etc - if it does its job right, does it the way it is meant to and does it for the greater good of the Club and the fanbase then it shouldn't have to be a popularity contest as people will flock to it having seen the great strides it does - and in an independent fashion.

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  craig said:
What about an English member ? A Catholic member ? A muslim member ?


And therein lies the problem for me. The whole point of electing a Board is, or should be, about electing the individuals that will give the organization the best people possible to run it.


I understand the sentiment but I just don't agree that you elect a Board as a popularity contest. Whether the Board consists of 7 men, 7 women, 7 Asians, 7 blacks, 7 Caucasians etc etc - if it does its job right, does it the way it is meant to and does it for the greater good of the Club and the fanbase then it shouldn't have to be a popularity contest as people will flock to it having seen the great strides it does - and in an independent fashion.


Put 7 Paul Gascoigne's in a football team and you will not win a game. I still say a balanced board is better than 7 high heid yins

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  craig said:
What about an English member ? A Catholic member ? A muslim member ?


And therein lies the problem for me. The whole point of electing a Board is, or should be, about electing the individuals that will give the organization the best people possible to run it.


I understand the sentiment but I just don't agree that you elect a Board as a popularity contest. Whether the Board consists of 7 men, 7 women, 7 Asians, 7 blacks, 7 Caucasians etc etc - if it does its job right, does it the way it is meant to and does it for the greater good of the Club and the fanbase then it shouldn't have to be a popularity contest as people will flock to it having seen the great strides it does - and in an independent fashion.


Yes, best candidate, but if you have to choose between candidates that you consider of equal ability, then their USP has to be taken into account.

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  craig said:
What about an English member ? A Catholic member ? A muslim member ?


And therein lies the problem for me. The whole point of electing a Board is, or should be, about electing the individuals that will give the organization the best people possible to run it.


I understand the sentiment but I just don't agree that you elect a Board as a popularity contest. Whether the Board consists of 7 men, 7 women, 7 Asians, 7 blacks, 7 Caucasians etc etc - if it does its job right, does it the way it is meant to and does it for the greater good of the Club and the fanbase then it shouldn't have to be a popularity contest as people will flock to it having seen the great strides it does - and in an independent fashion.


There is not a large number of the support who are Black or Asian or whatever but there is a substantial amount of our support who are woman. As for a Handicapped member I don't think they are in high enough numbers(Although I could be wrong) to merit a full place on the board but I am sure there are some who would be just as good if not better than not handicapped candidates. I also think the board should have regular meetings with handicapped supporters to get feedback from them.


One other reason for having females on the board is that you need to have someone to wash the cups after a meeting. (It's a Joke!!!!!)

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  pete said:
There is not a large number of the support who are Black or Asian or whatever but there is a substantial amount of our support who are woman. As for a Handicapped member I don't think they are in high enough numbers(Although I could be wrong) to merit a full place on the board but I am sure there are some who would be just as good if not better than not handicapped candidates. I also think the board should have regular meetings with handicapped supporters to get feedback from them.


One other reason for having females on the board is that you need to have someone to wash the cups after a meeting. (It's a Joke!!!!!)


A year ago they set up the Disability Matters Group which consists of disabled fans/carers, club employees and Managing Director Stewart Robertson.


In fact we had a very constructive meeting yesterday at Ibrox afternoon.


Club 1872 will have a working party sub group regarding disability issues.


Promised Frankie an article regarding disabled issues earlier in the Summer but had a couple of outstanding issue to clarify so hopefully will have something up by the end of next week.

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  pete said:
Disagree with you. A reasonably large part of our supporters group is female so they deserve representation. It does not have to be exactly 2 that was just giving a number. I think a balanced team is far more important than just picking the candidates with the highest pay group.


I never mentioned Blacks or Catholics by the way and it is not a brush you can tar me with. I have too many friends and relations who are Catholic to give a damn about that.


I'm afraaid I have to slightly disagree with you Pete. "Fair representation and positive discrimination" has led to just about every sector of British society going to hell in a handcart. I strongly object to someone being placed into a position of influence just so they can fill a representative quota. The best person should get the job - if that leads to 10 men or 10 women, 10 gays or 10 martians then so be it.

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