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In Defense Of Joey Barton

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That what happened has become public is pathetic it either means that he himself or persons within the club have done this.

It should be dealt with in-house and nothing given to the media.

Meanwhile let's worry about the more important thing a must win tomorrow.

If he was spotted in some pub or bar tonight it would have been front page news tommorrow morning------it had to come out.

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The way this is being reported across the Scottish MSM could put a players livelihood in jeopardy. No wonder he went to Talksport to discuss the situation. Its one of the few places he could set the record straight without the interference of the Scottish Mhedia and get a fair hearing.


So far among the various Scottish Mhedia twitter profiles... I've read Jim Spence latest twitter brain fart re: mother Thearesa (showing precisely why he wont speak to them), one of many clowns at the Record saying Joey picked a fight with Scott Brown re: not in my league, and has lost that fight already completely ignoring that there are still at least 3 games in that head to head series to go (its only round one) never mind that its over a season, and other sources calling for MW to stamp his authority on a situation that requires nothing other than the action that has already been meted out i.e. I'm the manager, this is the way it is, go home take a few days to reflect and we'll see you first thing Monday morning.


I'm with you on this one Rousseau ... Joey has not set the heather alight for one reason or another be it fitness, lack of knowledge of Scottish games pace etc etc etc, but I cant criticise the effort he's put in so far. More than a few commentators don't seem to understand MW style of play or what's mean to be happening around that position on the park. No point in rehashing what I've already said in a post I made in another thread about who I would make it into my team selection and who wouldn't. But if Joey has had words with certain members of the squad then good he should. Theres been many many times where much worse has happened and its all common knowledge to us. One famous one is DW having lafferty by the throat in an away game against the sheep when we were just trundling along which got a response via performances. By all accounts Joey only spoke his mind there was no violent conduct included.


As far as I'm concerned, good, some of our players needed told what the score is. Warburton didn't like the robust way in which it was done then fine he's entitled to draw a close to it by exercising his authority he sent the guy home and suspended him from training for a few days... Other than sack the guy for a simple disagreement what else does MW need to do? Its a nonsense and as far as I'm concerned that's the end of it.

Edited by Big Jaws
grammar, spelling
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Until I hear more, and to the contrary, I am inclined to treat this as little more than a sterrheid rammy, albeit one writ

large by the slavering press, to a man desperate for Barton to be caught in bed with a dead woman, or a live man.

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Providing there are no festering bad feelings between any players the thing that concerns me most is the suggestion that he may have abused the manager. I think that's stepping over a line that must never be crossed and it has to be something more than just a few heated words to pull a weeks suspension. All that aside at best we could view it as evidence that the team are as unsatisfied with the past 5 games as we are and maybe a blow out can get the season kick started.


As for Joey Barton it can be difficult to say exactly how good or bad his contribution has been. If his role is solely defensive midfield breaking up attacking movement through the middle from the opposition that can be almost invisible to the average fan and may not be noticed till he isn't there doing it.


According to Joey he and Halliday had a sit down afterwards which if true suggests they can both put this behind them. We may also have a situation where some players Halliday included were rankled by Barton's proclamation of being the best player in the league which was in the main aimed at Broonaldo but could be viewed by even some of his own team mates as a sleight on their abilities which can be hard to take for a professional footballer.

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Firstly I will get the working his ticket and selling his book out of the way. What a load of Tosh. Why would he take a chance on losing the Rangers support buying his book. The Rangers supporters will probably be his biggest short term readers. Why would he work his ticket? He cannot play until the transfer window opens again and I am sure if he had a good talk with Warbs, Warbs would mutually release him from his contract. I would like to say I agree with Rousseau but will also add if anyone had Kiernan behind them it would affect their game. Having Billy Bungler behind him will certainly not fill him with confidence.


Note to MW: Get a f'n man on the back-post at corners.

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