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Gers Bus At Porkheid

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Have to disagree song is played over tannoy and sung along to.


Yes MacK it is. My neice sings it, annoyingly badly!!lol.


Do we ever get to the end of it? Sung to quickly and too high. As far as TNAT that's even worse, as before but also wrong words. Oh for the 60's again.:violin:

Edited by BEARGER
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... some FFer remarked: We should play ...


Cher- gypsies, traps and thieves. (DJ announces 'this is for the away fans')

Pink- who knew (DJ announces anyone know the answer?)


Difference is our DJ would be hounded out of a job.



They've been playing it since last season, not just against us.


... ah, that's that then. Generally bad taste.


This shows that the contempt for our club stems from the very highest positions in that rancid organisation.


To allow the sectarian hanging effigy to pass without any condemnation is deplorable. A club that will allow that will allow their fans anything that attacks our club and culture to go unrestricted and free from any possible retribution. In fact they all revel in it.


Nothing that club does shocks me, they truly hate us with passion that drives them far more than their love for their own club ever will.


No matter how bad things got, or how bad results may be, we will always carry ourselves with a certain amount of decorum and class and our management and owners would never allow the events that took place at Parkhead to happen at Ibrox.


For me, this is why Celtic will ALWAYS be inferior to our great club.


Not much more needs to be said!

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