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Exploring the fundamental dishonesty of Scotland's sectarianism industry

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Why are they calling us honey?


HUN Definition / HUN Means

The definition of HUN is "Honey"


The other definition is Atilla the Hun a nomadic group from the 4 century and here's us thinking we were from 1872. New club? We are older than we thought according to them.:seal:

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Is that true, Rab?

It would certainly allow plod and the stewards to say that they found nothing in their search of the fans going in to the game.

It also allows that club to push the line that they did not know what the fans had written on their banners because they only rent them the storage space.

It matters not a whit that the club is responsible for everything within the confines of the stadium on match day.

Cunning, deceitful, sly - choose what fits.


Course it's true. They've been doing this for years.


The GB are feared with in the San GIro. No one Is brave enough to confront them. Not even the authorities or the politicians want to go there with them.


One day someone will need to do something before it's too late. Otherwise there may be much bigger problems to confront than those within a football stadium

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Why are they calling us honey?


HUN Definition / HUN Means

The definition of HUN is "Honey"


The other definition is Atilla the Hun a nomadic group from the 4 century and here's us thinking we were from 1872. New club? We are older than we thought according to them.:seal:


Straight from "THE ROMAN RECORD" ...


HUN (Habitat: Eurasian plains ) - Smallest of all barbarians. Feared foes of Goths and Vandals, ferocious warrior nomads and frighteningly efficient archers. Other barbarians running away from this bunch are spilling into OUR TERRITORY and causing no end of problems. Has prominent and sinister ritual scarring on face, and always fights from horseback. Voted all time winners of annual Gut-wrenchingly-terrifying-foe-we-least-like-to-fight-against competition in Roman Soldier Monthly. Dour in appearance. Lives on a diet of baked babies and tree bark gnawed straight from branch. Also reported to wear shrunken heads as small earrings, and smell worse than a beached whale. If encountered, remain very still and hope they don't spot you. If contact unavoidable, do not attempt to engage conversation regarding relative merits of Greek poetry or Roman poetry. Approach with extreme caution carrying long spear, and toss over some raw meat on end of stick."

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Straight from "THE ROMAN RECORD" ...


HUN (Habitat: Eurasian plains ) - Smallest of all barbarians. Feared foes of Goths and Vandals, ferocious warrior nomads and frighteningly efficient archers. Other barbarians running away from this bunch are spilling into OUR TERRITORY and causing no end of problems. Has prominent and sinister ritual scarring on face, and always fights from horseback. Voted all time winners of annual Gut-wrenchingly-terrifying-foe-we-least-like-to-fight-against competition in Roman Soldier Monthly. Dour in appearance. Lives on a diet of baked babies and tree bark gnawed straight from branch. Also reported to wear shrunken heads as small earrings, and smell worse than a beached whale. If encountered, remain very still and hope they don't spot you. If contact unavoidable, do not attempt to engage conversation regarding relative merits of Greek poetry or Roman poetry. Approach with extreme caution carrying long spear, and toss over some raw meat on end of stick."


Oohh I prefer Honey I think.


Wearing small baby heads! That has more to do with them surely?

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As soon as you mention unionist people think extreme right wing . Your ordinary voter in the street doesn't want to be classed as a unionist even although he wants a united uk. it would be better not picking that name unless you just want a small right wing party.


The current government started life a small minority party and over time, politics changed and they(unfortunately) have risen to power. The perception that you say many would have Pete, imo may take a generation to change, convincing voters that it would be a viable, electable party with policies that appeal to the broader electorate, but politics is a fluid entity, anything is possible. Every waterfall stars with one drip etc. I believe the time has come for a voice to be heard that supports the Unionist community. Goodness knows the SNP have galvanised the support of the separatist, nationalist and republican vote.

My ideas are only that, ideas, I simply feel it's time someone who is able to do so, should sit down with like minded people, with good interests at heart, and open discussion on it.

I would love to see it happen. Then again, my opinion means nothing lol.

Edited by cooponthewing
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The current government started life a small minority party and over time, politics changed and they(unfortunately) have risen to power. The perception that you say many would have Pete, imo may take a generation to change, convincing voters that it would be a viable, electable party with policies that appeal to the broader electorate, but politics is a fluid entity, anything is possible. Every waterfall stars with one drip etc. I believe the time has come for a voice to be heard that supports the Unionist community. Goodness knows the SNP have galvanised the support of the separatist, nationalist and republican vote.

My ideas are only that, ideas, I simply feel it's time someone who is able to do so, should sit down with like minded people, with good interests at heart, and open discussion on it.

I would love to see it happen. Then again, my opinion means nothing lol.


I am not saying it is not possible as even Adolf Hitler got a a land behind him. Politics is mostly telling people what they want to hear. Even Labour only got into power after crossing into a more central right position. As soon as you name a party Unionist that comes over as an extreme right party. Scotland is in principle a centre left country so I personally doubt that any unionist party would be much more than a small party. The SNP is a different story as that plays on the fact that people from all parties want to see a free Scotland. From 18-20 I was a Labour voter. After that I was always an SNP supporter because I wanted a Free Scotland with the idea that after home rule I would go back to a Scottish Labour party. I doubt I would ever vote for an extreme right\ right party. Personally I think you would have a better chance with a No Sectarianism Party you would get people from all sides.

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Course it's true. They've been doing this for years.


The GB are feared with in the San GIro. No one Is brave enough to confront them. Not even the authorities or the politicians want to go there with them.


One day someone will need to do something before it's too late. Otherwise there may be much bigger problems to confront than those within a football stadium

People will die

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People will die


I posted earlier,their ''this is war'' banner is exactly what they are looking for,and probably get sadly!. The rest of Scottish football are sitting back letting it happen,the media you can understand as they are complicit in the whole thing,the Scottish government you can understand as they want independence,but the other Scottish clubs must be sleeping!

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