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Radio Snyde Tonight

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The whitewash has begun. It was truly cringeworthy. Gerry Mcolloch and spew Keevans have decided to start a "Campaign for Decency"! They have decided that the toilet fiasco is just as bad as the death threats, mock executions, mocking the dead and all the IRA terrorist shite that went on!.


DJ just sits there with his "yes Hugh, no Gerry, can I have another dog biscuit please" good little boy act!!. I ended up putting it off. It is all stage managed to the point where good ole Gerry says "imagine if there were children in the toilet"?? What about kids looking at blow up dolls blindfolded and hands bound behind their back with Rangers scarfs on ya clown!!


The wheel is being spun and every

caller(clearly vetted, and some were kid on bears) was praising good ole Hugh for his quest to rid our city of what happened due to both sets of fans on Saturday!!

Derek Johnstone is a joke, he does not stand up for Rangers fans and never has. He should be ashamed of himself! How he can sit with them who are clearly pushing a narrative that is anti Rangers is beyond me??


Totally disgusted, I don't know why I'm surprised?. If this had been done at Ibrox there would have been absolute carnage in the media, arrests and worldwide condemnation. We are in a very strange place and Scottish society dosnt want to face the sectarian hatred that is coming from Celtic park, mainly because those in power or pushing the agenda in the media are of that persuasion. Rangers/Protestant haters.

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