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Citeh, Arsenal, Spurs and the Lads were the winners yesterday. I know Gunners drew but even these days, a polnt at OT is useful.


Mata seems to be trying to prove something. Is Mourhino's attitude towards him deliberate to spike him up? SBS will have the answer.

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Chelsea have been impressive of late very impressive .


I think we're going to have to see them come up against the likes of Liverpool and City before any meaningful appraisal can be made. Take the stats from yesterdays match against Middlesbrough for example.


Possession: Middlesbrough 42% - Chelsea 58%

Shots: Middlesbrough 12 - Chelsea 13

Shots on target: Middlesbrough 1 - Chelsea 3

Corners: Middlesbrough 2 - Chelsea 3


That's hardly overwhelming while Liverpool had far more impressive stats against Southampton but were held to a 0-0. Take the possession and shots from the Liverpool match as a comparison.


Possession: Southampton 35% - Liverpool 65%

Shots: Southampton 3 - Liverpool 15


Chelsea have to face Liverpool at Anifield and that will be telling and give us a better idea of where each of them stand. Over the course of it City have greater depth to their squad so have to be favourites but it's a highly competitive league and too early to make predictions.

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I think we're going to have to see them come up against the likes of Liverpool and City before any meaningful appraisal can be made. Take the stats from yesterdays match against Middlesbrough for example.


Possession: Middlesbrough 42% - Chelsea 58%

Shots: Middlesbrough 12 - Chelsea 13

Shots on target: Middlesbrough 1 - Chelsea 3

Corners: Middlesbrough 2 - Chelsea 3


That's hardly overwhelming while Liverpool had far more impressive stats against Southampton but were held to a 0-0. Take the possession and shots from the Liverpool match as a comparison.


Possession: Southampton 35% - Liverpool 65%

Shots: Southampton 3 - Liverpool 15


Chelsea have to face Liverpool at Anifield and that will be telling and give us a better idea of where each of them stand. Over the course of it City have greater depth to their squad so have to be favourites but it's a highly competitive league and too early to make predictions.

who's top of the league?

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who's top of the league?


All of which could quite easily change this weekend...... If Chelsea can come away from their next two EPL games with 4 points then they will be in a strong position - the next two games will tell us just how strong Chelsea really are. Home to Spurs and away to City will be the true gauge of whether or not they are the team to beat.


Being top in mid-November means very little, especially with such a tight title race this season.


It's mildly amusing how you have completely flipped on this team though - despite being told you were writing them off far too early and your lack of involvement in EPL threads.... all of a sudden your team is top of the league and you can't get enough of the "Who's top of the league ?" type posts. As is your prerogative obviously.


Not sure if you watched the Middlesborough game or not - but from what I watched Chelsea were far from convincing. Yes, they won the game as the best you can do is beat what is in front of you and you could even say they are the form team, results-wise at least. But if they play like that against stronger opposition then points will be dropped.


The title this year will go to the team that puts a strong run together in the 2nd half of the season - and that could be any of 4 or 5 clubs - Chelsea, City, Liverpool, Arsenal and Spurs.


I can't see Utd being a contender, they just aren't consistent enough.

Spurs are always prone to seasons of "Tottingham Days" where they expect to be there or thereabouts and just shoot themselves in the foot

Arsenal have a losing mentality - they know how to throw things away from a winning position.


The league, in my opinion, will be between Chelsea, City and Liverpool - Liverpool are much stronger than people think and with a couple of defensive additions in January they could be the team to beat, though I hope not as I really dislike the way some of their fans are - I am also hopeful Arsenal can mount a proper challenge too.

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