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Presumably to challenge for the league if possible but it might be the case that they have simply outspent us to the extent that's become harder than anticipated.


When King took over he said the first target was to win the Championship which was accomplished then the next was to get back into Europe and he actually specified that initially that might have to be the Europa league. Today means little to that secondary objective.




He did that in an effort to get back into it at 3-1 down and still 11 men on the park and I knew what he was doing as soon as he did it and was cool with that. May as well go for it and try to pull off a draw rather than defend a 3-1 defecit. What does that get us? We get zero points for 3-1 or 5-1. Senderos messed that up royally.




I think that's like saying it's at the door of the manager that we don't have Sergio Ramos in the team. The manager would have him if he could but he wouldn't sign for us exactly like the list of centre backs we know he pursued wouldn't. Players declining to sign for us can't be laid at the managers door.




As you say it would be irrational to suggest sacking the manager and that in fact could put us in a state of turmoil it could take us years to recover from. Everyone seems suddenly impressed by Rodgers when Warburton is every bit as good as he is. Do you think we would have seen that result today if they had swapped budgets? Rodgers has infinitely greater resources nothing else.


I think what you might be seeing in terms of improvement or lack of it is that the opposition have improved from largely part timers to full timers of a better quality. I'm still more than confident that the manager is going to get this team playing and there will be little in that league but them who can match us.


Serious doubts for me at the moment JFK, I don't see what you do?. I hope you are right though. I will be happy to be wrong.

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Serious doubts for me at the moment JFK, I don't see what you do?. I hope you are right though. I will be happy to be wrong.


For me MW has between now and the end of the year to prove himself as Rangers manager. That means top three minimum.

He has, however, done himself few favours with most of the players he brought in during the summer

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I see 55 no longer being mentioned but demands for top 3.

Come on be realistic and look to accept top 6,with anything else a bonus,we need most importantly to consolidate or place in this division.


By the boards own admission the least they expect to accomplish is European qualification.

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I see 55 no longer being mentioned but demands for top 3.

Come on be realistic and look to accept top 6,with anything else a bonus,we need most importantly to consolidate or place in this division.


Despite the events of recent years we're still not some ordinary newly promoted team trying to 'consolidate' in a league. Top 3 always was and still is a minimum expectation and rightly so. Beyond the disappointment of being beaten by them today nothing has changed for me and I still expect this team to begin performing.


I think it may be you being a shade unrealistic or pessimistic if you think top 6 is all we can aim for when even Hearts came staright back up last year and made top 3.


You think we're not a grade above them? And in addition after just 5 games I still haven't ruled out 55.

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JFK I have been making my views the same way all season and understand completely everyone else's views and hope I am wrong re top3 or 55,but I feel that the Board are putting undue pressure on the management team as they are right to be prudent but this may be at a cost to their aspirations.

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Despite the events of recent years we're still not some ordinary newly promoted team trying to 'consolidate' in a league. Top 3 always was and still is a minimum expectation and rightly so. Beyond the disappointment of being beaten by them today nothing has changed for me and I still expect this team to begin performing.


I think it may be you being a shade unrealistic or pessimistic if you think top 6 is all we can aim for when even Hearts came staright back up last year and made top 3.


You think we're not a grade above them? And in addition after just 5 games I still haven't ruled out 55.


anyone watching us right now and expecting us to sail into the top 6 are in fantasy land


hearts went up and signed just about a full team who crucially all looked up to it physically


our back four are absolutely pathetic one on one.

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Well, a few hours later ... it was a learning experience for all around, and a wake-up call for some.


Yet, despite the obvious shower of glee raining all over us, not least from the Scum and their cohorts, it was not exactly the demolition they were hoping for. And while the torch-brigade is out again and hares after Kiernan, Senderos and Co. - you see, we heard it all before, it gets boring - we were sure well beaten, but IMHO at least 2 goals worse than our display warranted. Yes, we were under the cosh for spells, yes, they had good chances. But who can tell how the result might have endd up with both Senderos and Kiernan on the park? (Cue a few wrathful remarks about those two.) For the carved us open late on due to a total absence of a central defence and any defensive cohesion. And executed their strikes well.


All their strikes, it has to be said. Something that is hardly mentioned in the aftermath and agony aimed at our defenders. As if we were alone on the park and only our faults lead to any goals. That is an attitude I only now from the German national side, where the oppositions means nothing in any analysis, as "we" either were good or bad. Which is obviously utter rubbish.

We were looking good at 2-1 when Kiernan essentially shot us in the foot. He and Senderos were probably the main culprits today, but McKay also looked at 75% of his own abilities (and has for weeks), while our midfield did not get to grip with having them constantly on their toes, being doubled by two people and did not get going at all.


A lot has to change for the next OF game, but at this moment and time, our next job is Ross County at home, a totally different experience and who knows what will happen in the next 33 match days. I for one don't change a season's prospects on a weekly basis and won't change now.


BTW, how often see people need to bring our defensive dilemma into any game thread? This teeth-gnashing at our "inability" to find a decent centre-half. It IS NOT down to MW and Co.'s ineptness, but the lack of people available at our price-range. Start get real here. You can similarly bark at the moom and hope that he will go away, with the same consequences.

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