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Rangers 2 - 1 Motherwell

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Can't believe some of our support still have doubts about him

He has improved significantly this year. He is vastly quicker getting down and shot stopping. He has lost weight too. Don't think it's any coincidence that all this is happening now that he knows he had serious competition from Gilks.

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The thing is, was McDonald offside at the time of the Motherwell player shooting. Obviously there was a split second difference due to to the deflection from the Rangers player. A player can cover a few meters in a split second. we would need a camera level at the time of the shot to be certain.

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He has improved significantly this year. He is vastly quicker getting down and shot stopping. He has lost weight too. Don't think it's any coincidence that all this is happening now that he knows he had serious competition from Gilks.


I have in the past had certain reservations about paying appearance fee bonuses but perhaps when there is indeed a credible replacement sitting on the bench it might indeed motivate a player all the more to strive to be at his very best at all times.


And and on a more humorous note thinking of it brings to mind an incident I recall from when Walter Smith was manager in his first spell and both McCoist and Durrant were team regulars. I can't remember who they were playing but I think it was at home and McCoist had started the game on the bench while Durrant was in the starting 11.


Sometime fairly late on in the second half Walter decided he was going to make a change and bring McCoist on so Ally is charging up and down the sideline warming up and is then standing waiting to come on but hasn't been seen yet by the ref when suddenly his good buddy Durrant goes down then soon after motions that he wants to come off.


That resulted in Smith telling McCoist to get his arse back on the bench because this changed things and now a replacement for Durrant would have to go on instead. McCoist didn't take too kindly to that and was actually roaring at the departing Durrant that "you owe me 5 grand you useless b*****d

Edited by JFK-1
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He has improved significantly this year. He is vastly quicker getting down and shot stopping. He has lost weight too. Don't think it's any coincidence that all this is happening now that he knows he had serious competition from Gilks.


Can't see Gilks giving Wes much competition

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Can't see Gilks giving Wes much competition


A shade difficult to say. Gilks rarely gets a chance to play and when he did play I can barely recall him having to make a save of any note. I suppose as it stands Wes would have to be having a nightmare period or be injured before Gilks may get a chance.

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Very composed finish by Miller, it would have been easy to snatch at it given its in the last minute searching for a winner. That's the experience he offers.


Its a terrific 3 points to get so early in the season. It may be that we are more comfortable on the road this season when the pressure is off a bit, but I wouldn't be surprised for things to just suddenly click at home then give someone a spanking 4 or 5 nil.


The team just needs a little tweaking in midfield, cant see Halliday and Barton in the same team much longer. With Crooks and Windass coming back gives us further options.


The defence is the only area that needs additions. Not only at centre half but I worry for Lee Wallace's cover?? Can Hodson play both sides?

I always wonder how it works with top ex players in training - for example Davie Weir was class at centre half and mentored others on the pitch next to him but is he improving them on the training field? I thought the same under McLeish (with defenders) and McCoist (with the strikers). Is it something you just cant pass on!

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Not lost a competitive gam this season - God help us when we do ��


3 games back in top flight with what is a brand new team and we have 7 points from a possible 9 and we are coasting in the League Cup.


Yes there is room from improvement as there always should be but let's take a step back and start looking at the positives for a change.

Back in the real world we have been pretty woeful for a very long time now. Combined with the fact we've always been defensively appalling under Warburton it's a real cause for concern.


I don't think progressing in the League Cup and getting 7 out of 9 points in a piss easy league is much cause for celebration personally.

Edited by Ser Barristan Selmy
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Back in the real world we have been pretty woeful for a very long time now. Combined with the fact we've always been defensively appalling under Warburton it's a real cause for concern.


I don't think progressing in the League Cup and getting 7 out of 9 points in a piss easy league is much cause for celebration personally.


But they do saying results like today (playing badly but managing a win) is what makes champions.

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