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Celtic face yet another UEFA rap as fans fly Palestine flags

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You are being disingenuous. I don't disagree that a Lada is a crap car; I believe, however, that it is not the only crap car.


I am no advocate of religion, but I don't think that all the ills of bodies politic, societal, economic can be laid exclusively at its various doors.


The leaders with most blood on their hands in the 20thC were Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and, probably Pol Pot, all of whom embraced secular ideologies.


Bad government, unfortunately, is not restricted to "non -secular" societies.

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Strange question. If I said, don't buy a Lada, they are crap cars, your answer would be that there are plenty of non-Ladas that are crap, therefore I'm wrong? That's quite a fallacy.


Here's the thing, good people do good, evil people do evil, for good people to do evil, takes religion.


You don't think that maybe the middle east would be a better place without being ruled by religion?


As for North Korea - secular? Isn't their leader seen as some kind of demigod with divine right to rule?


But that kind of shows you haven't really thought about it. I never said secular government was a panacea - due to evil people. But get rid of religious government - and evil government, and I promise the world will be a better place...


You are being disingenuous. I don't disagree that a Lada is a crap car; I believe, however, that it is not the only crap car.


I am no advocate of religion, but I don't think that all the ills of bodies politic, societal, economic can be laid exclusively at its various doors.


The leaders with most blood on their hands in the 20thC were Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and, probably Pol Pot, all of whom embraced secular ideologies.


Bad government, unfortunately, is not restricted to "non -secular" societies.

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That would give them the much adored status of martyrs of the oppressed though ...


Emptying the Scumhut for the next home game would do for starters.


It may make them martyrs in their own eyes - but it would also knock 20 million off their bank balance.


I would take kicking them out happily. But that wont happen. Partial stadium closure likely.

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You are being disingenuous. I don't disagree that a Lada is a crap car; I believe, however, that it is not the only crap car.


I am no advocate of religion, but I don't think that all the ills of bodies politic, societal, economic can be laid exclusively at its various doors.


The leaders with most blood on their hands in the 20thC were Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and, probably Pol Pot, all of whom embraced secular ideologies.


Bad government, unfortunately, is not restricted to "non -secular" societies.


You can look at ancient and modern day secular societies and they all in one way or another bath in intolerance - against their own, or against others, not least religions. Intolerance that breeds war and death. Not solely out of religious reasons, mind you. You can obviously point at certain dictators in recent history, their status as quasi-gods amongst their own, their claim to power bathed in blood too. Utterly misguided individuals helped by personal cults and propaganda beyond imagining. Their problem with religions was probably that they did not want any rival power to their "might" and "right to rule" besides them. (Not that I can imagine how these people worked, of course.) That said, AFAIK, neither Hitler or Stalin were utterly intolerant to religion, they just made sure that it did not influence their "daily business". In a way not dissimilar to the Romans' way of dealing with religion, at least up until Christianity took over and soon enough showed its uglier, intolerant face.


A bit of info ...

AFAIK, not once was a war being waged by Rome because of any religious reason in its 1000 year history. When the Romans hammered the Jews in Judea because of the Bar Kochba revolt, when they re-named that province afterwards, a Jew was Roman governor of Egypt in Alexandria. Nor were Jews chased (because of that revolt) because of their religion et al all over the pace. Religion was essentially done individually in private, or openly at a temple (where the public altar was in front of the building, not inside). The Jews had only one god too, akin to the Christians, but were tolerant enough to pray for the Roman (thought to be divine) Emperor as well, a demand by the Romans, placing statues in the entrances of their temples, not inside. The were willing to compromise.


The Christians' problem with the Romans arose essentially solely out of their intolerance of any other god bar their own, worshipping him inside their temples and not in public. Which in turn led to all sorts of accusations of being a political and secretive cult as well. Something that never went down well with the Romans.


Ladas were not crap, BTW. We had one of these warhorses for the best part of 10 years and it hardly ever failed us. It is no Opel, nor Ford, nor Mercedes or what have you, but it did what you asked of it - being a car. You could open the engine hood (?) and look at something you could actually repair yourself. Mind you, that was inbetween 1980 and 1990, of course.

Still remember my first drive through West-Berlin and a delivery van (Ford) managed to oversee us and acquainted himself to our high-grade steel bumper bar. There was not even a scratch on the chrome on our car, but the Ford had his front bumper bar and spotlights thorrowly wrecked. (Just in case, I wasn't driving.)

Edited by der Berliner
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Why is the Palestinian flag banned as its seen as political but not the Israeli flag ? Both were on display by fans at Parkhead.


All depends on in which face you wave it, perhaps. If you see the accompanying leaflets, banners and hear the shouts, you know it was a political demo and politically motivated all day long.

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All depends on in which face you wave it, perhaps. If you see the accompanying leaflets, banners and hear the shouts, you know it was a political demo and politically motivated all day long.


I understand the Scottish Government legislation OBAF. But why for example when a Basque club play the banner below is shown but no action taken? If no slogans are used is it ok to fly Palestinian flag?





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Maybe you should have a closer look at the history of Israel, post 1947, and establish just how many wars of aggression that state actually started.


Of course Israeli governments may be criticised, but if you had neighbours like they have.......


That's correct. Virtually every time it has been in response to aggression against them. This is a nation that was attacked by 5 Arab armies on the very first day of existence then was attacked by coalition Arab armies another 4 times over the following 19 years.


What's labeled as invasions by Israel is actually capturing territory as buffer zones during these wars which has been a perfectly normal military strategy all through recorded history.


And another thing is that you will hear the likes of those who were protesting recently make such vacuous comments as that Israel should just go back to 1967 borders and all would be well.


Really? So why wasn't it all well before 1967?


And they have no idea that hamas demands not just every square inch of Israeli land but all Jews dead too? That can be negotiated with and lived with? I'm simply baffled it's Israel and not hamas who are the subject of protests.

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