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[FT] Dundee 1 - 2 Rangers (Forrester 14; Miller 39)

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That was an improved performance on the Hamilton match,a good win and again we could/should have scored more!.

Tavernier was my MOTM again,I thought he was excellent defending and yet still offers an out ball on the right,he has obviously been working on his defending.


As for their goal Barton let his man get away from him at the back post to get a free header. Rossiter is like a wee pit bull in the middle for us,excellent player. Forrester may have pushed it a bit with regards to his challenges,but for me I want to see our players getting stuck in,he scored a great goal and worked non stop for the team.

McKay is just such an exciting talent,fantastic first touch with great vision and the ability to make great passes and also get past a player,brilliant wee player.

Miller had good game and scored an excellent goal.

We are improving.

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Only seen the game live so not had the benefit of any replays, but FWIW here's my two cents;


Started very sloppily, I counted 10 mistakes (misplaced passes mainly) in the first 10 minutes, then we get a goal out of nothing. Probably the worst we have started a game for a long time but we get in front when we have destroyed teams without scoring. Thats football.


My bugbear with the team selection was that he has brought in Hill as last seasons defence everyone knows is not good enough, then plays last seasons defence. You know for a fact that we will concede from a set piece, and of course our woeful defence obliged. I also believe Halliday is a championship player and is not good enough for the first team this season. He doesnt create anything in this advanced role, and doesnt read the game well enough to assist his fellow teammates with opening up space often enough. If we are to play Rossiter & Barton, we need a creator as the third midfield player, be that Nico, Holt or even Forrester/McKay. Playing Miller up front is playing a man down. He was truly awful again yesterday, one good finish aside his general play was awful, he was never up with play, he failed to run into space, and the sitter just before half time was typical, as was when put clean through and didnt even get a shot off. If we continue to play him, we will continue to struggle. Its that simple. I acutally thought it was his man that scored as when the big ging got his free header, from my angle in the main stand at the corner flag Miller was closest to him marking nobody so I thought it was his man, but I read from here it was more Barton or Kiernan. The very fact there is doubt shows how badly we defended it as a team.


Rossiter had a very good first half and a very quiet second half. Perhaps to be expected given his lack of pre-season and experience. Forrester was good first half and then went on a suicide mission in the second half. I thought the booking he got was a terrible decision where the defender conned the ref (a willing victim!) into the card and as soon as it was given he was up and ready to play on. But having been booked he lunged into a couple of tackles and it was very poor management not to hook him off right away.


What was more worrying to me was that after we replaced our weaker players with better ones at the same time as Dundee made two subs, it was Dundee's subs that had the greater impact on the game. The number 20 caused us no end of grief, a real terrier like player that got stuck right in and we couldnt contain him. I correctly named the two subs off and on and the minute they would come on before kick off. MW's policy of using subs as squad rotation and nothing to do with game management is truly the most ridiculous strategy I have ever seen. For all the fantastic work he is doing off the park re-building our club upwards and onwards, his 90 minute management is non-existent. If he is to reach the top in football (cant quite believe managing Rangers is no longer seen as the top!), he must learn how to alter tactics and use his subs to change the flow of matches during the game.


No idea how Thomson can see the off the ball kick (didnt see it myself either-going on reports) by diddly dee and not send him off. How is it possible to kick someone off the ball and not get sent off? Can you imagine Barton being afforded the same luxury? As usual Thomson wants to be the star in a tv game, controlling the game with his usual mixture of arrogance and errors that more often than not ends with both sets of supporters cursing him. How he remains a top class ref is a sad reflection of the standards in Scottish refereeing.


I was very pleased with the professionalism shown by us in the final 10 minutes by seeing the game out. We should have scored at the death if McKay squares it to MOH for a tap-in instead of forcing a good save but other than at corners Dundee didnt seem much of a threat when our focus was on defence and not attack.


Glad to come away with the three points, it gives us another week to get in a centre half (2 would be better) and a striker and gives the squad a full midweek without a match to work on defending set pieces.

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I noted ten misplaced passes/loss of possession in the first dozen minutes. The goal settled us, we went on to make further chances taking one, to establish a two-zip lead. In the space of twenty seconds it changes, we have a one on one with the Dundee keeper which does not culminate in a shot at goal. The ball is thrown left, a long diagonal to the right of our box sees Barton fall, followed by a mis-timed tackle giving Dundee a corner. The sequence of events is similar to last week, Krancjar tracks Crawford on a 30 yard diagonal across the box, then refuses to stay on his feet, allowing Crawford to turn and sweep the ball high into our net. I would hope they work on preventing the ball coming into the box, the repeating sequence of going to ground and mis-timed tackles has to be addressed.


The second half was another repeat. We create several chances and do not convert. The opposition begin to lump it, knowing we struggle to clear. We have three up front with genuine pace, and refuse to put it over the top to run on to the ball. O'Halloran was always receiving the ball to feet. In the past, Rangers establishing a two goal lead meant game over. Yesterday, the game at Falkirk towards the end of last season, loomed large.


I am as happy as the next Bear at the result, and being top of the table this morning. However, there are apparent failings becoming more obvious these last several months and should be addressed yesterday. A ball into our box has become a lottery, and at both Tynecastle and Pittodrie that tactic will be a continual stream.

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Just watched the scene with Forrester's yellow (46 mins) again and one would assume that if our colours were different, we'd have agood chance of having that card chalked off. More play-acting involved than anything else.


Yellow cards cant be rescinded - least not to the best of my knowledge.

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