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The Founders Roadshow.

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Since the Founders Trail first took to the streets of Glasgow in 2009 telling the astonishing story of the kids who formed our Club, the most encouraging aspect of the project for us has been the positive feedback that we’ve had regarding the education, understanding and awareness that the Founders project brings.


People of all ages and from all walks of life who have joined us and followed in the foot-steps of our Founders have shared their surprise on many aspects that we cover including the young age of our Founders when they formed the Club in 1872 and the spirit and determination they showed to ensure that the Rangers secured a lasting foot-hold in the new and fast growing sport of association football.


We at the Founders Trail are of course aware that due to time constrain, distance and cost many supporters can’t make the journey to Glasgow to join us on the Trail so we’ve decided to take our incredible story out to you.

In June 2013 we launched the Founders Trail Roadshow.


We present the Founders story , by way of a digital slideshow , which takes you on a journey with the Gallant Pioneers from the shores of the Gareloch , to their arrival in Glasgow and on to Ibrox Stadium which was their dream and beyond.


All the equipment that we use for the presentation has been purchased due to the success of the Founders project.

We profile each of our Founders and the subsequent growth of our Club and also give an insight into the Rangers Graves Restoration Project and other aspects of our work.


The education process behind the presentations is vital as it gives everyone an understanding of the very foundations upon which those kids built our Club.


Over the last three years we’ve taken the roadshow to among many other places, Newtownards, Belfast, Kirkintilloch, Broxburn ,Wishaw, Blackpool,Shotts and Thringstone and will present in Peterhead in October.


If you would like us to bring the Founders Roadshow to your supporters club or organisation our contact details are as follows: thegallantpioneers@googlemail.com or call us for a chat on 0790 2855536



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