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League cup goals

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Think last year was just a taster , they are keeping most of it for RTV , £5 a month , and it's good value


Could be right but I doubt seeing goals on youtube hours after the match would encourage anybody not to pay for RTV. In fact the opposite might even be the case. Wondered if it might be something to do with the cup sponsors. A far as i'm aware no team has been uploading league cup goals.

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Towards the end of last season, the SPFL stopped clubs posting goals/highlights on their Youtube channels (though I've seen one or two clubs breach this since).


The SPFL should be uploading them but they're not always the quickest.


FWIW, our main site carries goal highlights if/when they come available - both on the front page of the site and in our new match reports.

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AFAIK, BT has the exclusive rights to the League Cup and even RTV get their stream from them, as was said by Tom Miller during the previous game (with all the interferences). Thus it could well be that this deal prohibits clubs to show their "own highlights". Methinks there was also some rumble between Rangers and the SPL when we had highlights et al from our league games pre Whyte, as the SPL had all the rights and we were members of the SFL ... or something to that content.


Rangers have not answered to variours enquieries about that topic thus far. You would assume that if you pay for RTV you'd get all the stuff behind the pay-wall, but thus far methinks this feature has not returned. We will be clearer after the Burnley game.

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