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RF resignation letters

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It's all very embarrassing. Wish I could comment, however other than the psychology of it, I'm not in possession of any of the political facts?. As a supporter, and I must say straight away that I don't pay money in to said project, it put us in a very bad light. Not the resignations or the fall outs, that happens in every businesses or life in general, but the fact it's all over social media and it's a mud slinging contest.

If people have evidence of wrongdoing, present it, I don't know if there is or isn't any unsavoury goings on as all I'm seeing is spurious allegations that are being alluded too.

If people or individuals have evidence or facts, then for the good of the club either A, bring them into the public domain and name names or B, go and find the evidence and then do the above.

At the moment we have, what looks like, a very unprofessional attitude from all.

As I say, I am not in possession of the facts, this is what it looks like from the outside.

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7 board members it seems.


1 left a while back and 1 has never been to a meeting.


That means these 3 could have decided anything they want and put it in place with a majority.


Or am I missing something?


Yes they will have to put report back to the two boards before anything is decided I would imagine. The 2 boards will have to rubber stamp all decisions I would imagine.

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Utter rubbish, in that case why did they bother standing for election if they were going to hand over all power to an unelected wp, it's you who has missed the point not me Pete


What power? It is a working party. So you think this working party marched up to the boards of the RF\RST and said we are taking over? It was well known before the RF board election that it would go over to C1872, so yes they knew they would be handing over power at some stage. The RST\RF boards keep power until a C1872 board has been elected that is where you are missing the point I think. I would imagine if the boards were not still in control all directors would have resigned with a Tsunami of complaint and indeed there would be no point in them being there. The boards must have put the working party in place and therefore the directors must have played a part in that decision.

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Pete , I will say again , there was no mention of an unelected wp getting set up, it was the board of the Rst and RF that was to sort this out , why your struggling to understand this is don't get



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Pete , I will say again , there was no mention of an unelected wp getting set up, it was the board of the Rst and RF that was to sort this out , why your struggling to understand this is don't get


Well it looks to me like they sorted it out as C1872 is now a fact. Did they have to write an essay on how they were going to achieve that goal. The methods on how they were going to do it were possibly decided after they got the go ahead. You are making a mountain out of a molehill imho. And again the boards had a right to appoint a working party without an election. If you don't like it take your money back out or stop paying in to it. Its as easy as that.

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Craig sorry this is crap. What has Craig Whyte and Charles Green got to do with it? You also say in your first post it is easy to read between the lines. If you do that you are reading what you want to read. It was surely known to the directors that their role at RF would be a decreasing responsibility. A huge majority voted to go down a new road and a group was set up to achieve that purpose. The self interest accusations came firstly from the directors who resigned. The members list seems to be a huge issue with them but surely it is the members list that RF have been using and was passed on from the RF board that these members were a part of. Or was a made up list passed on to the working group?

These resignations seem to me to be of people who are reserved in accepting change and losing their control which they knew would happen. It is obvious there was a small minority out to scuttle this from the beginning and it would seem to me they are picking up every stick they can to push between the cogwheels of change. RBR admits he has been against it from the start so it is no surprise he is running with the baton of the old group. The one thing I agree with is that there should be open elections as soon as possible but who decides the time span for this. Only the working group have an insight into how far down the road they are of presenting a stable and good running supporters group. If they hand over the reigns with only half the work done they will be murdered for not doing their job properly. Everyone knew there would and will be teething problems and you get whispering shadows and unsatisfied people in every club that is a way of life.


Aye ok pete.


1. You clearly are missing the point in the reference to Whyte & Green. To say "feck off quietly" is the same, in essence, as saying "let Whyte/Green get on with their job, nothing to see here". Had everyone "fecked off quietly" we very well may have no club to call our own. The POINT of that is to say that we should be VERY careful about the "just go quietly" mentality, especially if by doing so you potentially hurt the club.

2. The director resignation letters were not released generally or publicly until after the C1872 statement about them looking for self interest was made. The resignation letters didn't hit the public domain, at least to my knowledge, until after the C1872 statement was made. Am I wrong ?

3. The members list IS a major issue as, from what I have read, it could be a breach of the Companies Act. And yes it was RF's members list. So yes it is their problem. But when you have a merged entity the merged entity then take responsibility for it. If you read at least one of the resignation letters they stated that they wanted to sort this out but it seemed that few cared about it. That is called poor governance. You don't simply continue with bad information and say "yeah but they were the ones that brought that bad information to us" - certainly not when the whole premise is fan unity.

4. So now you are accusing people of not wishing to accept change and losing control - what do you know of ANY of those people ? Looks to me as if you have taken a stance against them simply for the sake of taking a stance. And yet you talk about ME saying "reading between the lines" and you then retorting that this means you "only read what you want to read". Seems you are believing only what you want to believe.

5. There may have been some out to scuttle this from the beginning - however, I highly doubt it is ANY of those who just resigned. Why would they bother with going through the election process and sticking their head above the parapet only to try to be integral in dismantling the very organization that they were elected to the Board of. That would be a serious lack of fiduciary duty.

6. RBR was NOT against it from the start. That simply isn't true. RBR was against the whole process being rushed. So, again, it appears you are putting words in people's mouths that simply aren't there.


And you say my post was crap :rolleyes:

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Is Craig Houston on the WP? I know he's spokeman for C1872 but that's not necessarily the same thing.


It's a little strange that he has been made spokeman given he's not on the board of RST or RF but it's a position that many wouldn't like and if the have seconded someone in to do a specific role then fair enough (not withstanding the issues in respect of his tweet).


I'd expect that the WP was made up of a majority of RF and RST board members. Again if they have bring in one or two experts or helpers for specific roles then again fair enough but I wouldn't expect a majority of the WP to be non-board members.


If a majority of the WP are non-board members you may as well turn off the lights. Seems ridiculous to me that you have a very important WP being concentrated of mostly unelected officials.

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