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RF resignation letters

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I am, or was a member both the RST and RM. I now pay into Club1872 and will continue to pay into it, in the hope this utter mess gets sorted out Sharpish.


To be honest i suspected this merger was more a coup d'etat than a genuine marriage, but already being a member both organisations i wasn't particularly worried as i thought whatever happens the supporters will benefit.


However now i'm not to sure, after reading the resignation letters of the three ex directors, i'm genuinely worried about the supposed independence of Club1872. It may be the case of some club1872 directors being to close the club and or to close to Mr King.


elections to the board of C1872 are coming up in the next few months, i'll continue with my financial contribution until then, to see whether the independence of the fledgling organisation has been truly compromised or not?

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So best they just feck off quietly so you have no idea what is going on ? Good idea... Bring back Craig Whyte and Charles Green whilst we are at it.


As Directors they have duties. And some of those duties will be to hold certain information confidential. There is only so much information they will be at liberty to release, even though they were resigning their positions.


Craig sorry this is crap. What has Craig Whyte and Charles Green got to do with it? You also say in your first post it is easy to read between the lines. If you do that you are reading what you want to read. It was surely known to the directors that their role at RF would be a decreasing responsibility. A huge majority voted to go down a new road and a group was set up to achieve that purpose. The self interest accusations came firstly from the directors who resigned. The members list seems to be a huge issue with them but surely it is the members list that RF have been using and was passed on from the RF board that these members were a part of. Or was a made up list passed on to the working group?

These resignations seem to me to be of people who are reserved in accepting change and losing their control which they knew would happen. It is obvious there was a small minority out to scuttle this from the beginning and it would seem to me they are picking up every stick they can to push between the cogwheels of change. RBR admits he has been against it from the start so it is no surprise he is running with the baton of the old group. The one thing I agree with is that there should be open elections as soon as possible but who decides the time span for this. Only the working group have an insight into how far down the road they are of presenting a stable and good running supporters group. If they hand over the reigns with only half the work done they will be murdered for not doing their job properly. Everyone knew there would and will be teething problems and you get whispering shadows and unsatisfied people in every club that is a way of life.

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Just a couple of questions.


Was the working party not answerable to the boards of RF and RST?

Has there been regular feedback from the WP to both boards?

Who gave the green light for the launch of club 1872? Surely that was a decision of the RF and RST board members as there is no way a WP could sanction this.

If it was the RF\RST boards then there must have been a majority vote in both board rooms to go ahead and the directors would have been a part of that vote.

I will agree if the WP made these decisions on their own then the directors do have a case

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Pete , to an extent I agree with you , where I completely disagree is where you state I have been against this from the start .


At the start of RF we were promised again and again that this very scenario could never happen because of the way RF was set up, and the way the RST model was set up , that was a lie .


We were then told that any new group would be the same as RF , ie, totally independent of the club , again a lie , at the recent meeting of club172 with RSCs , Martin Stenhouse a club employee , stated that club1872 was a club idea .


When at the very start of this the conflict of interest points were raised , we were told we didn't know what we were talking about , when it was pointed out they were rushing this , we were told we didn't know what we were talking about , when we asked what would be the structure of the new group , we were told they didn't have one but not to worry they would work it out later on .


This is a scheme with hundreds of thousands of pounds in its accounts , it's not a wee bowling club committee , there are regulations that cover this and people better get to grips with this point and rapido .


We were never told there would be an unelected working group set up to over see every aspect of the new group , why , because all hell would have broken out .


The worst thing is that now it's done , all the figureheads have disappeared of social media , you can't get them for love nor money , yet prior to the change every forum was polluted with propaganda about how brilliant this was , this new scheme has been in effect active for months now yet the membership has decreased , it's no bloody wonder .

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Just a couple of questions.


Was the working party not answerable to the boards of RF and RST?

Has there been regular feedback from the WP to both boards?

Who gave the green light for the launch of club 1872? Surely that was a decision of the RF and RST board members as there is no way a WP could sanction this.

If it was the RF\RST boards then there must have been a majority vote in both board rooms to go ahead and the directors would have been a part of that vote.

I will agree if the WP made these decisions on their own then the directors do have a case



Sorry Pete didn't see this whilst I posted my latest rant ,


Your first point is no ,

The second point is also no ,

The third is the club via members of the RST ,it was brought up at a club meeting we were told with both RF and the RST , where the club stated they wanted to work with just one group , it's since transpired that the seeds of club1872 were well down the road prior to that meeting ,

The vote that started this was about unifying the support not killing of RF , but that was always going to happen ,

The unelected wp are making all the decisions without any feedback to us the members , there is no. Communication what so ever , there us nothing on the club1872 site , and they do not answer emails

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Pete , to an extent I agree with you , where I completely disagree is where you state I have been against this from the start .


At the start of RF we were promised again and again that this very scenario could never happen because of the way RF was set up, and the way the RST model was set up , that was a lie .


We were then told that any new group would be the same as RF , ie, totally independent of the club , again a lie , at the recent meeting of club172 with RSCs , Martin Stenhouse a club employee , stated that club1872 was a club idea .


When at the very start of this the conflict of interest points were raised , we were told we didn't know what we were talking about , when it was pointed out they were rushing this , we were told we didn't know what we were talking about , when we asked what would be the structure of the new group , we were told they didn't have one but not to worry they would work it out later on .


This is a scheme with hundreds of thousands of pounds in its accounts , it's not a wee bowling club committee , there are regulations that cover this and people better get to grips with this point and rapido .


We were never told there would be an unelected working group set up to over see every aspect of the new group , why , because all hell would have broken out .


The worst thing is that now it's done , all the figureheads have disappeared of social media , you can't get them for love nor money , yet prior to the change every forum was polluted with propaganda about how brilliant this was , this new scheme has been in effect active for months now yet the membership has decreased , it's no bloody wonder .


Should a working party be voted on by all the members? Personally I doubt that. The RF\RST board members were voted on to take decisions like that and I guess they chose people who were fit for that purpose. You are saying it is a shambles but do you have insight into the work the WP has done? As for the decrease in membership, I would say that was to be expected as some people would be against the new group. I remember people burning their scarves when we signed a catholic and saying Ibrox would be empty. After the dust settles people will be signing on to club 1872 and the other organizations will be forgotten or at least become history.

As for club 1872 being an idea from the club is doubtful as that idea has been around as far as I can remember. The working group or the club cannot dictate the road that will be taken in the future that will be an elected board voted on by the members. You are saying things should not have been rushed through but you are wanting the WP to rush through with their work.

As for members disappearing I have saw you in regular contact with Christine so it did not look like she was hiding. Fury has also given answers on the forums. As for e-mail addresses I have no idea I have never used any.

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Pete , from the very start ,it was pointed out that they should take a breather get all these issues sorted prior to any vote being put to the members of both schemes , it would have been discussed and agreed by elected members of those schemes not unelected guys who in many cases we still don't know who they are , why the rush when we are now in a situation that they are having to sort these things with no comeback from members .


As for my other point , CG appears every now and then doesn't answer questions directly but makes general statements telling everyone they are wrong and disappears , CS I have on my phone so can get in contact with easily , but again rarely posts now , on other forums the guys who championed this nearly 24/7 have disappeared , never to be seen , it's pathetic .


As for a membership scheme being around for years , your absolutely correct , I myself sent an ideal to Martin Bain nearly 20 years ago , but the scheme I am talking about was club1872 , which Martin Stenhouse has admitted was their idea , hardly independent , and this only works if it's independent , we don't none of us know the future and who will be our board in 5 , 10 years never mind 5, 10 months time.



And just one other point , just where in all the discussions around this merger was an unelected wp mentioned .

Edited by rbr
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Pete , to an extent I agree with you , where I completely disagree is where you state I have been against this from the start .


At the start of RF we were promised again and again that this very scenario could never happen because of the way RF was set up, and the way the RST model was set up , that was a lie .


We were then told that any new group would be the same as RF , ie, totally independent of the club , again a lie , at the recent meeting of club172 with RSCs , Martin Stenhouse a club employee , stated that club1872 was a club idea .


When at the very start of this the conflict of interest points were raised , we were told we didn't know what we were talking about , when it was pointed out they were rushing this , we were told we didn't know what we were talking about , when we asked what would be the structure of the new group , we were told they didn't have one but not to worry they would work it out later on .


This is a scheme with hundreds of thousands of pounds in its accounts , it's not a wee bowling club committee , there are regulations that cover this and people better get to grips with this point and rapido .


We were never told there would be an unelected working group set up to over see every aspect of the new group , why , because all hell would have broken out .


The worst thing is that now it's done , all the figureheads have disappeared of social media , you can't get them for love nor money , yet prior to the change every forum was polluted with propaganda about how brilliant this was , this new scheme has been in effect active for months now yet the membership has decreased , it's no bloody wonder .


The word "lie" is being used pretty liberally around this subject.


If a club employee did say Club1872 was the Club's idea (and if you say so, that's good enough for me RBR), that still doesn't mean it isn't (or couldn't be) independent. It might simply mean that the Club encouraged discussions as it preferred to deal with a single fans group, which would be quite understandable. Certainly doesn't amount to evidence of lying.


I've seen similar on Twitter this week regarding Lionbrand - accusations about lying, based on a lack of clarity over the exact route by which the money raised gets to the Club.


I'm sure there are some valid issues being raised and that mistakes have been made, but I'm equally sure that some folk (not you RBR) are looking for any excuse to put the boot in and ensure Club1872 fails.


Fresh elections can't come soon enough IMHO.








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