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UEFA won't investigate 'Resolution 12' Rangers Euro licence claims

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We don't need to convince them they already think that.


It's so batshit crazy I have my doubts that they truly believe this utter shit. In saying that I expect there are probably some who are indeed so batshit crazy they really believe it while others have always known it was a pile of shit but they played the fantasy out for so long they then found themselves in a position where they had to continue with it or look like complete tits.


Now they're in a position where they look like that no matter what they do and are wheeling around wondering how to extract themselves from it with even a shred of dignity. It started as banter but they dug it so deep they ultimately couldn't get out of it without telling the 100% idiots among them who actually believed it that it was just banter and you were an idiot to believe it was real.


I like it, I sometimes wonder if they grasp how completely obsessively insane it looks to outsiders.

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It's so batshit crazy I have my doubts that they truly believe this utter shit. In saying that I expect there are probably some who are indeed so batshit crazy they really believe it while others have always known it was a pile of shit but they played the fantasy out for so long they then found themselves in a position where they had to continue with it or look like complete tits.


Now they're in a position where they look like that no matter what they do and are wheeling around wondering how to extract themselves from it with even a shred of dignity. It started as banter but they dug it so deep they ultimately couldn't get out of it without telling the 100% idiots among them who actually believed it that it was just banter and you were an idiot to believe it was real.


I like it, I sometimes wonder if they grasp how completely obsessively insane it looks to outsiders.


It's all down to their deep-rooted hatred of us.

That hatred is so deep-rooted that it borders on insanity and it can be taken to almost any level and there will be those amongst them who will believe just about anything they're told such as this resolution12 garbage.

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A Summary of the last few weeks


As posted elsewhere, until @theoffshoregame decided to enter the scene, i really hadnt taken much notice of Resolution 12 as i put it down to yet another money making scheme from people so obsessed with hatred of a club they believe to be dead. The TOG report changed that and with a few fellow fans with various professional backgrounds, we took a closer look at things, the result of which has been played out on Social Media over the last 6 weeks or so.


I have had various contacts with 2 FA's, UEFA, ECA and some journalists and every contact made and email exchanged put less and less doubt in my own mind that this was a misunderstanding of process and rules on a grand scale.


The claims made by the TOG report and many of the people obsessed by this issue was that the SFA were not playing "a fair game". They did not follow the rules and that as a result of there incompetence, Rangers got a licence when it should have went to another club in Scotland (to be also knocked out in the 1st round at very little profit)


As previously written, i want to reconfirm the importance of the 3 KEY DATES and the rolls played by the main parties in each of them.


31st March - This is where the SFA have the most control of the situation. They have to gather information from member clubs and make a decision to put forward their member clubs to UEFA for a stamp of approval and an issuance of a licence. There are loads of checks to be carried out such as checking overdue payables, financials and Youth Academy status. This is called "The Licencing Process".


In season 2011/12, the SFA carried out these checks on Rangers and submitted the licence request which was granted. Celtic FC have asked the SFA for information on behalf of their shareholders and the Resolution 12 group about this process and the SFA within the rules, satisfied both Celtic Directors and Resolution 12 group that everything was A1 ok.


If an Overdue Payable existed at this point then, in principal, the club should NOT be put forward for a licence AT ALL.


There is a confusion in the internet world that Rangers owed the taxman £2.8m and accepted this in various emails prior to 31st March, however a final determination on the amount outstanding was not delivered to RFC until 20th May 2011 and did NOT become an Overdue Payable until 19th June 2011. This again has been fully accepted and agreed by Res 12 Group and Celtic FC.


The 31st March process is DEAD. The SFA carried out their duties. Nothing to answer.



30th June - Once the "licening process" finishes, the "monitoring process" kicks in which meant the baton was passed to UEFA and in particular the CFCB. The SFA function in this part of the process is to get all their member clubs to complete another control document which again asks the question around overdue payables. They have to ensure all questions are completed in full and that all the relevant information is passed to UEFA and CFCB. The SFA at this point have no say or control over "licencing" as their pass/fail duty ended at 31st March.


At this point, where there is NOW an Overdue Payable, this does NOT mean that UEFA revoke a licence. In 2011/12 as at 30/6, 32 clubs had overdue payables and went on to play in Europe that season. Any declared overdue payables at 30/6 are looked at by CFCB and potentially they can ask for more information, a full audit or simply for an updated position as at 30/9. In Rangers case, the CFCB said they were happy with the explanation provided at the time and for an update at 30/9.


There are claims that Rangers lied at 30/6 however we need to be clear in understanding the process. The process is that you have to declare and Overdue Payable or NOT. We know Rangers declared an Overdue Payable as there is an email from the SFA confirming this. Once declared, you have to tell UEFA, who you owe the money to (HMRC) when it became overdue (19th June), how much (£2.8m) and a "brief statement" (potentially "Contacted HMRC requesting a payment schedule, waiting on a reply").


No-one has seen this submission. No-one will ever see this submission. But the most important part is the disclosure. There is no need to lie. Why lie when it doesnt matter? The licence was fine. It was never getting taken off the club at this point. Having an overdue payable was allowed.


The 30th June process is ticked off. The SFA had no say in 30/6 process. They carried out their duties.


30th September - If a club makes a disclosure of overdue payable at 30/6 then it must give an update on the 30/9. There was a flaw in the rules which has now been corrected in 2015 in that the update only needed to reiterate the position as at 30th June again. (The rules were worded incorrectly and referred back to 30/6 and not 30/9).


However, the reason for this checkpoint is to ascertain the current position of the club with a view of future participation in Europe, the following season. No action can be taken against the club in relation to the existing season at this point. It is looking to the future.


Again, noone is aware of what Rangers said by way of an update here but as I have always said, it is a complete red herring.


1) We were already out of Europe

2) We were not granted a licence for the following season and for 3 seasons thereafter.


The 30th September is dead. It was never in Res 12 scope, but became a last bastion for some people when they realised the other 2 dates were dead.


UEFA have confirmed today what i have said all along. There is nothing to see. We know the licence was granted correctly on 31/3 because the SFA, Celtic FC, Res 12 and Auldheid have confirmed so. Any action or issues thereafter would be solely looking at what potential action could be taken the following season if overdue payables were not paid on time or to CFCB satisfaction.


Rangers licence to play in 2011/12 was 100% correctly granted and administered.


It should also be noted that neither the SFA, UEFA or CFCB can show nor discuss any details of any disclosures made by ANY member club. It is a fundamental rule breach of the FFP under articles Article 5.4(f) Article 11 and Article 53 of the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations, another thing I have said all along.



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The ever moving goalposts


Jas Boyd


Im sure most people have noticed the shift of goalposts. Its trying to grasp onto anything now but still its failing.


The narrative has been changing daily since I tore The Offshore Game report apart.


Lets be clear as to what Resolution 12 really was. They believed the SFA cheated in order to LET Rangers play in Europe in season 2011/2012. Thats it. No amount of dancing around the table will get away from it. The Res12 ers are accusing the SFA of blatant cheating.


Here is what Auldheid had to say back in March this year when asked about what he wanted the final outcome to be:


"If there was in fact an overdue payable as defined in UEFA FFP Art 66 and Annex Viii at 30 June 2011. Our tax expert advice is that there was from 20 June and legal input was that none of the 4 conditions for exemption were met by 30 June.


That in a nutshell is what Res12 asked UEFA to investigate because previous enquiries only got an answer relevant to Art50 that covered an overdue payable at 31st March. There wasn’t one under Art 50 as bill did not arrive until 20th May.


If SFA can explain how Art66 requirements were met, particularly in light of how UEFA dealt with a similar situation with Malaga FC the following year, to shareholders satisfaction in a way that answers why SOs called to collect 6 weeks after 30 June, then that is all that is required to bed the issue. It’s that simple.


If in fact there was an overdue payable as defined then first an apology to Celtic, it’s support and shareholders and a commitment to review their processes to ensure a repeat was not possible and compensation for denying Celtic the opportunity to play in a first round qualifying match. "


What Auldheid is saying above is that he accepts there were no overdue payables at 31/3 however because he knows we had overdue payables at 30/6 then he wants to understand how Article 66 requirements were met and he then wants an apology as Rangers licence should have been revoked and Celtic should have got our place in Champions League.


The above is 100% a LOAD OF NONSENSE.


And i supsect HE NOW KNOWS IT.


Thats WHY he wont debate it with me.


Thats WHY he is silent on it.


Back in March, he simply didnt understand the difference between "licencing process" and "monitoring process" where Overdue Payables are treated completely different. He knows now alright. And the same goes for @Barcabhoy1 as well who avoids my question on it.


Again, this is a challenge to Auldheid. Prove the above is wrong. Debate it in the open with me. I have emails from an FA. I have emails from the Head of Legal of ECA. I can point you to an article that the Head of Legal wrote on the very subject.


Its out there if you want it.



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In my opinion these haters knew all along that Resolution12 was bogus, in fact the more lies the better. Their only interest was and is trying to get others to follow them in their hatred of our club. They will always get other haters and the gullible to believe their lies, bigotry and agenda.

Edited by aweebluesoandso
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In my opinion these haters knew all along that Resolution12 was bogus, in fact the more lies the better. Their only interest was and is trying to get others to follow them in their hatred of our club. They will always get other haters and the gullible to believe their lies, bigotry and agenda.


They also have at least 5 grand following the Grauniad not printing their advert.

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